Gawd bless the 12 Republicans who bucked their party's platform to do the right thing.
*raises eyebrows*....things are getting interesting on capitol hill. Whether it is this or the overtime rules the Bush Admin. has lost a series of these fights recently. Methinks that the moderate R's like Olympia Snowe are taking a look at Bush's plummeting numbers and thinking that their guy can no longer protect them like he was able to during the midterm elections. Their votes and positions are going to matter again.
I hope that the 12 Republicans didn't just take a day off from appeasing their owners (Clear Channel, etc.) knowing that the House wouldn't support the change and Dubya would just veto if they did. It is nice though that even for a day the Republicans thought about the constituency for a change instead of the companies that have bought and paid for a congressman.
It is a fine day for America when me, the NRA, and Trent Lott can stand together as one and say 'No!'
This was pretty much expected but that doesn't make it any less great. I think the only people in america were Clear Channel, Colin Powell's son and W. WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CLEAR CHANNEL!?!