Selección Femenina Adulta (R) (News, etc..)

Discussion in 'Chile: Selecciones Nacionales' started by JAIME CHILE, Nov 12, 2009.

  1. toepunt

    toepunt Member

    Aug 24, 2003
    North America
    Aun si Chile clasificara la gente está pidiendo la salida de José Letelier. Incluso las jugadoras ven que Letelier no tiene futuro.
  2. toepunt

    toepunt Member

    Aug 24, 2003
    North America
    José Letelier is now history. He was fired by the Federation yesterday 24th. One hopes that his replacement will be far better with experience at a higher level and not just another plain all club coach.
  3. toepunt

    toepunt Member

    Aug 24, 2003
    North America
    It would appear there are no suitable local candidates for the coaching job of the national women's team. I wonder if the Federation will hire someone from another country.
  4. toepunt

    toepunt Member

    Aug 24, 2003
    North America
    It seems nobody is interested in heading La Roja women. Chile has little to offer and the pay is likely low and lacking benefits.
  5. toepunt

    toepunt Member

    Aug 24, 2003
    North America
    Once again the Chilean Federation demonstrated they give a darn about the women. They had the opening to hire a real coach and ended up giving the job to another club coach. What a waste!
  6. toepunt

    toepunt Member

    Aug 24, 2003
    North America
    Club coach Mena will debut against Brazil on July 2nd.
    HeartandSoul repped this.
  7. toepunt

    toepunt Member

    Aug 24, 2003
    North America
    Mañana Chile enfrenta a la selección Mundialista de Nueva Zelandia.
  8. toepunt

    toepunt Member

    Aug 24, 2003
    North America
    El nuevo DT de la Roja, Luis Mena, parece que ha puesto disciplina en el equipo y cortó un par de inútiles. Dos buenos resultados contra Nueva Zelandia, ganando 3 a 0 y luego 2 a 1.
  9. toepunt

    toepunt Member

    Aug 24, 2003
    North America
    Colo Colo y la U no pasaron mas allá de los cuartos de final en la Copa Libertadores 2023. Muchas jugadoras que militan en esos dos equipos son seleccionadas de La Roja.
  10. toepunt

    toepunt Member

    Aug 24, 2003
    North America
    Luis Mena al final salió un gallo incompetente que se las daba de técnico. Quedarse sin arquera simplemente por estupidez es imperdonable. Debería presentar su renuncia o ser despedido mañana. Lamentablemente su jefe el pelao Milad es otro incompetente.
  11. Ezto

    Ezto Member

    Jun 27, 2007
    Nat'l Team:
    Un bochorno lo de la femenina. Yo si me mando un cagaso así en mi trabajo, no trabajo más en el rubro.
    toepunt repped this.
  12. toepunt

    toepunt Member

    Aug 24, 2003
    North America
    El Mena tiene que ponerse los pantalones y deshacerse de un par de jugadoras inútiles que usa como delanteras. Una se pasa cayendo cada vez que la marcan o que le pega al balón, la otra se pasa tirandose al suelo cada vez que la tocan.
  13. toepunt

    toepunt Member

    Aug 24, 2003
    North America
    Coach Luis Mena is not any better than previous Jose Letelier. At least so far.
  14. toepunt

    toepunt Member

    Aug 24, 2003
    North America
    With the new system in South America for classifying for the women's world cup it will get tough for Luis Mena and his players. They will now have to play all the other 9 countries except with Brazil who is the host this time. Copa America group play is now only good for classifying for Olympics.

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