I just got a call from Steve DiLenardi (Fire Sales Exec) to pass along this information to everyone on the boards. Section 8 tickets are available but not through Ticketmaster. Ring Steve on 312.705.7231 for tickets in Section 8, whether you need 1 or a bazillion. You can place the order over the phone with him by 3PM CST Thursday Nov 13, and you will pick up your tickets at the Will Call window. Please make sure to pass this information along to others whom may be interested in sitting in Section 8 this Friday. Cheers, Fonsos
However, all these people better be singing and otherwise participating on Friday. We have some work to do in the section this time. Marcin
Those who want to participate in Section 8 activities and cheering are very welcome to get the tickets from me. I have plenty of tickets left for all dedicated people. PM me ASAP if you want the tickets so we can arrange for pickup. Marcin
Marcin, I gave you 4 tickets on Sunday. Two were for Sunday, two are for this Friday. I just want to make sure you didn't think all were for Sunday's game. You should still have two from me for Friday. Go. Fire. -Ben