Season 2001/2 DVD

Discussion in 'Arsenal' started by anotherkygunner, Aug 16, 2002.

  1. anotherkygunner

    anotherkygunner New Member

    Aug 4, 2002
    augusta KY
    I guess many of you gooners out there would love to have the 2 disk dvd set of not only our most recent double success but the previous one too!
    Unfortunately it's not available region 1 coded,but for anyone that has a multi region player i have some words of advice.
    I tried to order it from the Arsenal shop online and was given a shipping and handling charge of 25 GBP
    ($38.00) which is more than the dvd sells for.
    however all is not lost as it's also available from for $33.00 approx inc air mail shipping
    VAT free (sales tax)
  2. Gunnersaurus

    Gunnersaurus Member

    Mar 24, 2001
    Jurassic Period
    Arsenal FC
    Some people think that 25 pounds for shipping is a little steep, but let me assure you! For this service charge, service you get!

    Your order is received in the City of London's financial district by the computer known as Deep Blue - the experimental IBM computer that handily defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov not so long ago. Deep Blue's cooling system is augmented by two dozen harem girls, waving those big honkin' feather fan thingies. Deep Blue transmits your credit card information via a triple-redundant fiber optic link directly to the Bank of England, ensuring prompt transaction processing.

    Your order is then printed out, via Deep Blue's gold alloy parallel cable, on an Epson P-80 dot matrix printer, using the finest Egyptian papyrus, and a ribbon cartridge which has been re-inked with genuine Mont Blanc blue-black ink. This sheet is then examined and notarized by some guy in a powdered peruke, and placed in an envelope which is closed with sealing wax made from the product of organically fed, humanely treated, classical music listening, non-killer honeybees.

    For the run up to Highbury, the envelope is then passed to one of a host of Olympic marathon champions, including Abebe Bekila, Frank Shorter, and Mamo Walde. During winter weather conditions, sometimes Eric Heiden will fill in. Of course, a fleet of eco-friendly, non-polluting fuel cell powered motorcycles (snowmobiles when Heiden's on duty) provides escort.

    Upon arrival at the marble halls of Highbury, the runner proceeds directly to the bronze bust of Herbert Chapman and, in a move which shocks tour groups from time to time, tilts back the head (in the manner of a certain Shakespeare statue in stately Wayne Manor) and presses the concealed button! A wall swivels to reveal a single, gilded fire pole, labeled simply, "Mr. Bekila." (Or, Shorter, Walde, Heiden, etc.)

    Our intrepid courier, red singlet and all, dashes to the pole and slides down to the Arsenal Biodegradable Consolidated Dependable Efficient Fast Gigantic Highbury Integrated Java-enabled Kewl Legendary Mammoth Netherworldly O2 Permanent Quick Reliable Super Turbo Underground Vast Warehouse, known as the ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW, for short.

    And, a triumph of technology it is! Semi-autonomous, cooperative robots work the floor, performing such tasks as order picking, inventory, and housekeeping. All manner of Arsenal merchandise abounds here, from disposable diapers (or should I say “nappies!”) to those big, honkin’ foam “#1” hand thingies. All the merchandise is stocked in gleaming, sparkling clean sections, except for one item. There’s a dark, dusty, cobweb-filled corner with a sign that reads, “Genuine Waterford Crystal Post-Match Sherry Glasses” – and the glasses are monogrammed, “Sir A. F.”

    Once Mr. Bekila presents the envelope to a greeting robot, which bears a striking resemblance to R2D2, he’s off like a shot – and back to the City to await the next order. Meanwhile, the array of automatons goes to work, processing your order in no time flat. In a matter of seconds, a postage-paid, addressed parcel containing your order arrives via conveyor belt at the loading dock of THOF.

    Now, here’s where things start to get a bit dodgy.

    The Royal Mail, or Consignia, or whatever the Royal Mail is calling itself nowadays, won’t pick up your package, because it’s Sunday. Plus, Monday is one of those Bank Holidays. The Royal Mail finally picks up your package several days later, and takes it to a consolidated receiving point, where it spends several more days while they try to figure out if it should go on a boat from Liverpool or Southampton. It finally ends up in Bournemouth. Thankfully, someone in the Bournemouth post office is going on vacation to Disney World in a few weeks, so eventually, your package gets to the US, where customs officials handle it with extreme caution – after all it says “Gunners Material from Fortress Highbury” on the package.

    After meticulously inspecting your package and its contents, an astute customs official realizes the importance of the merchandise and quickly alerts the US Postal Service. The USPS quickly dispatches their quickest delivery person, none other than Lance Armstrong himself. Lance, with his peloton of helpers, pedals the 1,800 miles from Orlando to your home in just under two days, delivering the much awaited package a mere eight weeks after you ordered it.

    And that’s what you get for $33 in shipping. So, stop whining!

    -G. Rex
  3. Jeff L

    Jeff L Member

    May 12, 2002
    Arsenal FC
    I just bought this yesterday in DVD and also video.
    The DVD is NOT a two disk set, but both the footage from last year's double" and 1998 on the same disk.
    I have the same "region" problem with some DVD's that I bring back from the USA. Some work, some don't.
    I have been told, (and you being a computer engineer should know!?), that it's possible to watch disks from either region on a computer monitor. I haven't tried it yet, so I don't really know. Perhaps some words of technical advice before hand. It's good to know that the Amazon price works out ok.
    Again, as they are priced at £21, (approx $31.50c) that's not a bad deal. Again, as I am coming over at Christmas to Florida, if anyone wants anything brought over and mailed, I don't mind doing it.
  4. anotherkygunner

    anotherkygunner New Member

    Aug 4, 2002
    augusta KY
    hi Jeff
    according to amazon's description it's 2 disks, but i haven't received mine guess i'll wait and see.
    as for your watching region 1 disks on your computer it may be possible, depending on whether your dvd player is region coded too.
    some have a utility to change the region coding,but this is usually limited to 5 changes before you need to send the drive back for resetting.
    depending on the brand of the dvd drive it may be possible to find on the net a download to reset your drive to region 0,which will allow it to play disks from anywhere.
    PS you can bring Mcvities plain choc digestives
    as many as you can carry
    PSS Just checked amazon again and you're right about the 1 disk....their description is wrong
  5. Ian Lozada

    Ian Lozada Member

    May 29, 2001
    The Pick Four Pool
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I am so glad the off-season is over.
  6. Gunnersaurus

    Gunnersaurus Member

    Mar 24, 2001
    Jurassic Period
    Arsenal FC
    So, I couldn't finish off the "XYZ" portion. I'm out of practice!

    OK, admit it - it was the post-match sherry glasses that got you, right? Hmm, come to think of it, wouldn't that make a delightful Arsenal America gift? An area of the bookshelf in your home that you'd never have to dust again!

    Rick? Niles? Bueller? Anybody?

    -G. Rex

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