
Discussion in 'Chicago Fire' started by burningfire, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. burningfire

    burningfire Member+

    May 15, 2009
    Chicago Fire
    WTF is going on with our scouting? Its not impressive at all.
    Why? bco'z Frank is now jack of all trade? or the club hit rock bottom?
  2. HerthaBerwyn

    HerthaBerwyn Member+

    May 24, 2003
    They must have been getting their good advice from Humo. Its been down since Humo left.
    LIZZIE repped this.
  3. dlm_Fire

    dlm_Fire Member+

    Aug 16, 2002
    What's the barometer by which you're measuring scouting (and saying it sucks). I honestly can't bring to mind any way that someone not a coach or in the locker room would have any way to tell that.
    anotherbodymurdered repped this.
  4. xtomx

    xtomx Member+

    Chicago Fire
    Sep 6, 2001
    Northern Wisconsin, but not far from civilization
    Chicago Fire
    Of course, if we say that Humo sucks balls, that is a factually true statement and a compliment, except for the fixed Humo.
  5. Salvatore Giuseppe

    May 4, 2012
    I'd use the barometer of success bringing people in.

    This year we drafted or signed:

    Of those, I would say only Friedrich, Tornaghi, Berry and Rolfe have been successess. Two of those had spent time with the club already (Berry and Rolfe), one was a very well known defender (hardly a scouting success), and Tornaghi is a legitimate good find.

    Some others are doing ok as practice squad players, but that isn't who Fire should be bringing in. It should be people with a chance at starting.
    Chris M. and burningfire repped this.
  6. burningfire

    burningfire Member+

    May 15, 2009
    Chicago Fire
  7. Hoojaszczyk

    Hoojaszczyk Member

    Dec 27, 2011
    All of you are complainig, but none of you are giving ideas of new signings. WTF? First 3 replys are worth shit.
    Rulas repped this.
  8. Fussballer

    Fussballer Member+

    Liverpool FC
    Sep 18, 2002
    In my head
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    Has the Greek League pipeline gone cold?:sneaky: We need a Grazzini replacement fast but I don't see it happening this year. Our paper mache midfield won't hold that long. We were fortunate that Vancouver sucked on Sat.
  9. HerthaBerwyn

    HerthaBerwyn Member+

    May 24, 2003
    We dont have the primary sources to make such recommendations. OK. Sign Kaka.
  10. dlm_Fire

    dlm_Fire Member+

    Aug 16, 2002
    And how exactly is that a failure of scouting? Scouts don't negotiate contracts. Who gets "found" and who you can come to terms with and SIGN are two different lists.

    I still don't see how outsiders *really* get a view on how good (or bad) our scouting is.
  11. snkscore

    snkscore Member+

    Jun 24, 2007
    La Grange, IL
    Puppo - looks like a flop
    Robayo - looked great on paper. I expected him to be really good. Flop.
    Nolly - nothing expected
    Berry - Great find. Rookie, cheap, and starting almost every game. Fantastic.
    Dube - Took a chance, cut ties early. Not much harm done. Meh.
    Jumper - Looks promising. Not expected to do much, but has been getting some minutes and looking pretty good.
    Friedrich - Great signing. DP quality without the DP price.
    Tornaghi - Great signing. We finally have a great backup, and he made a number of great saves while SJ was away with the national team.
    Walls - nothing expected
    Rolfe - Good signing.
    Alex - Good/great signing.

    In a league with a salary cap, every team will have to have some players that are not expected to start. If our 2nd round draft pick can make the team, then he is contributing. If he can get minutes on the field as a rookie, I'd say that's doing really well.

    Alex doesn't look like he's going to set the league on fire, but he's good enough to be starting, and he's young. We need someone to play that position, so his signing is a great signing based on need IMO.

    So I'd say Puppo and Robayo are flops. Those are costly flops to be sure, but other than those 2, I think they did pretty well this year.
    iron81 and HerthaBerwyn repped this.
  12. Count Chocula

    Count Chocula Member+

    May 7, 2010
    Cedar Falls, IA
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    i dunno if its scouting or not, but its frustrating to look at some of the other teams and see such familiar Euro names that play attacking roles: NY has Henry, LA has Beckham and Keane. hell even Toronto got Koevermans last season. Portland brings in Kenny Miller this season who was a great SPL scorer.

    you'd think Chicago would be attractive enough to bring in a Euro-stud at some point, eh?
  13. Salvatore Giuseppe

    May 4, 2012
    Frankie and crew seem to prefer scouting central and south american talent. Which could work if the players they found were actually talented. Unfortunately, they usually aren't
  14. Es Brennt

    Es Brennt Member+

    Feb 25, 2003
    Shermer, Illinois
    Chicago Fire
    Pappa. Cuesta. Puerari. Chavez. Grazzini. Pardo. Alex. mas por favor.
    snkscore repped this.
  15. burningfire

    burningfire Member+

    May 15, 2009
    Chicago Fire
    Fire is mediocre team full of mediocre players.

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