I have Luis Diaz in FIFA and score goals identical to the one he scored with Porto literally every game. He's the best winger in the world in my game, 91 OVR
Even a defense can play as asecond striker if you want....but the pressure and positioning that borre offeer liberating spaces to borja or duvab only he have been made.....dont imagine siniaterra o diaz by charectristics doing the same.
Rueda Era: Scorers: 6 Luis Diaz (Brasil, Argentina, Perú (3), Chile) 4 Borja (Peru, Argentina Chile (2) ) 2 Cuadrado (Peru and Paraguay) 1 Mina (Peru) 1 Muriel (Argentina) 1 Cardona (Ecuador) 1 Roger Martinez (Bolivia) Assistors: 2 Cuadrado (Argentina and Brasil) 1 Stefan Medina (Peru) 1 Muriel (Perú) 1 Camilo Vargas (Peú) 1 Duvan Zapata (Peru) 1 Borja ( Ecuador) 1 Cardona (Argentina) 1 Borre/Yairo (Chile) 1 Roger Martinez (chile) 4 pks (Muriel, Cuadrado and borja(2)), one free kick goal (cuadrado
What a frustrating situation. We came into this month amongst the teams with the most goals scored...and now slid to 5th based on going blank in the last three games...when we needed them the most. It's really hurt to miss Borja and not have a viable 10 alternative to Quintero.
Hopefully Borja comes back as strong has he was before the injury but unfortunately that is not a guarantee. It would be nice if someone like Muriel can come in and help but Rueda does not seem to like him that much so far as an option. I am trying to think of any other options that can help put shots on goal. Suarez or Bacca? Cucho if he ever gets playing time? The options in attack seem so bland and we are not creating chances so it may not matter who comes in who is new.
Thus far in 2022, 14 matches played 16 goals scored.. 2018 cycle we've scored as a team 21 goals in 18 matches 2014 cycle we've scored 27 goals in 16 matches Gentlemen, we have a scoring situation.
[emoji2961] was my reaction LOL - I can envision many of us here throwing the remote control on the floor
Yeah... He tried the hardest thing instead of just smashing with his left foot... But his miss was no worse than what Borja, Muriel, Duvan, had done earlier...
In the first half of Tuesday, Borja had two and Muriel had one. Just as brutal. I meant literally earlier in the game.
This was before the matches of november. We are not counting goals anymore but miniutes without score 1448801229476438023 is not a valid tweet id
There were no sitters..headers that not always can controll ....no one was so close.... The real close chance of first half was the post of praraguy...
That's subjective and you are welcome to that view - given the circumstances (yeah they were headers but they were free headers and we got none of them on frame!) those seemed like even better scoring opps to me, but that's just my opinion. They were damning enough that Rueda made whole sale changes at half time. And I didn't like the changes myself because I thought it sent the wrong signal to those guys, esp Borja who has had the hot hand for the NT.
We haven't had many missed sitters in the last 6 games (probably the last one was Borre against Chile). You could claim that we have had a few missed clear options but I'd say that they are fewer than 5 per game. The best two or three options against Paraguay were a header by Borja (he's notorious for his bad aim), a mid range shot by Diaz, and Valoyes' shot over the bar. As far as I recall, Silva didn't have much work and a big part of it is that we're not creating clear chances. Rueda seems to be getting everything wrong in the last third: He got the pairings wrong (Muriel should have gone with Zapata and Borre with Borja, I'd be OK with any combo starting). but there also seems to be no directions about where the strikers are supposed to be. Muriel ran into Borja a couple of times, and Borja also stopped a shot by Muriel. Diaz and Cuadrado looked unsure of where to place their crosses and the situation did not improve with the subs. Add to that the horrific design of corners and free kicks, and the last wave of subs where we ended up playing with 5 attackers forcing Borre to be our 10. Finally, I would have expected us to play with 3 men in the area and to bomb everything in after Paraguay's red card, but that seems to be and unknown tactic for our coach.
how Is new names for a coach not being the main thing anyone Is talking about. We played well the 2nd half against Argentina in Barranquilla in his 1st game. That's about it. We are 4th and not 8th because Chile, Uruguay, Peru were just as bad as us and not scoring.
Because no one makes a 2nd coaching change with 4 games left in the qualifiers. We're miraculously in qualifying position. We still have a shot, and you cant jeopardize that by starting over now. Dude. Get real.