Score cards for our current administration....

Discussion in 'Chicago Fire' started by dlm_Fire, May 20, 2024.

  1. dlm_Fire

    dlm_Fire Member

    Aug 16, 2002
    So, here's how we rank for all time performance both under the tenure of the current owner from 2019 to now (when the team was 100% his) and our current sporting directory, which is 2020 to now.

    I have put together rankings by average pts per game (which includes all matches up through this weekend for all clubs) and average full table ranking (calculated only on complete seasons and weighted for the amount of teams that season....projected for position based on the 29 team league we currently have).

    Here's Heitz's performance:
    There are 139 seasons of play for the various clubs on this list, in that time the Fire posted records better or equal to only 24 of those seasons (~17.25%)

    Adding in 2019 to get Mansueto's total performance:
    We had a better 2019 season than 2020 forward....but not enough to make any difference. There were 163 seasons of play over this stretch and the Fire posted records better or equal to 32 of them (~19.5%).

    We are *solidly* demonstrating that we have not a single idea how to spend $$, because we are definitely spending a bunch of money.

    There are no excuses that cover 4+ years.

    This club is absolutely adrift and there is *nobody* at the wheel.
    Fuegofan, Pennsylvania Dave and Old Man! repped this.
  2. schroncar

    schroncar Member+

    Chicago Fire
    Mar 2, 2007
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    No disrespect intended, but your statistics only duplicate what we already knew. The Fire have sucked bad for years, including BJ ( Before Joe).
    Pennsylvania Dave repped this.
  3. juicecrewallstar

    Chicago Fire
    United States
    Mar 1, 2019
    layer on payroll for a double oof
    Old Man! repped this.
  4. Old Man!

    Old Man! BigSoccer Supporter

    RIP Chicago Fire
    Mar 11, 2000
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Mansueto saved us from Hauptman, only to leave us to Heitz. It’s odd to hope that a billionaire will deign to care how his money is spent and rescue us again from the hole he’s dropped us in.
  5. plezercruz

    plezercruz Member

    Sep 20, 2004
    Well, when your entire plan for turning around a team is literally a change of scenery...

    Pete (is waiting for the Soldier Field magic to kick in any minute now...)
    xtomx, scottw1055 and bunge repped this.
  6. schroncar

    schroncar Member+

    Chicago Fire
    Mar 2, 2007
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    announced attendance of 23,300. Guessing this mostly is a sign of market potential but may show a downtown advantage. Sure is not related to team performance.
  7. overlap_old_coach

    Chicago Fire
    United States
    May 2, 2022
    IMO, everything pre-Joe is not worth including in this discussion...

    The Joe era has had a lot of action with good intentions...mixed results...move to Soldier, training center, CFII, sell on money generation, branding change, etc.

    Heitz & co have not just sat on their hands and taken their paycheck. There was the CV19 era, 2 reboots and most recently the signing of the specific types of players the team said they needed (DP9, CDM, LB, CB, RB)...most every move was viewed as "good on paper"...hasn't worked out.

    I can see why everyone thought Shaqiri would be a great veteran to build around, but it is turning out to be *the* bumble. Highest paid MLS player (when signed) can't "click" with anyone on the roster. Changes made to try and make it work...hasn't worked.

    What ever happens this summer (expecting player moves), this should be Heitz's 3rd strike...and if it sparks, he stays...if it doesn't, it's hard to defend "time for the next full reboot".

    2024 contracts expiring: Shaqiri, Czichos, Arigoni, Herbers, Omsberg, & 2/3 the supplemental roster positions.
    Gimenez is signed through 2025, has to be bought down to open the DP tag...or sold.
    Souquet is signed through 2025, likely to be sold in July.
    bunge and goldclover repped this.
  8. juicecrewallstar

    Chicago Fire
    United States
    Mar 1, 2019
    it was a beautiful day, they had a lot of youth teams and their families, and I'm pretty sure the Columbus game was part of at least one Messi package

    was a pretty decent crowd -- the one positive I took from the evening
    bunge, overlap_old_coach and schroncar repped this.
  9. Old Man!

    Old Man! BigSoccer Supporter

    RIP Chicago Fire
    Mar 11, 2000
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    What were his first two strikes?

    We're way beyond that in terms of losing seasons, coaches and transfer windows.
    schroncar repped this.
  10. overlap_old_coach

    Chicago Fire
    United States
    May 2, 2022
    The kids had a blast! The North end was (at times) louder (and more coordinated) than the south end!
    bunge repped this.
  11. schroncar

    schroncar Member+

    Chicago Fire
    Mar 2, 2007
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    1) BJ is still part of the Fire.
    2) “good on paper”. WTF does that matter! They are paid to be able to see behind the public facade and make the right decisions. People sitting in the stands are not competent to look past the public pablum- and apparently neither are they! Results!!
    3) lots to do- time to get started! There will be lots of openings for improvement. I just hope there are enough Budget Resources to get it all done.
    goldclover repped this.
  12. plezercruz

    plezercruz Member

    Sep 20, 2004
    Those guys on the 2nd level on the north corner were pretty darned loud too.

    Pete (grumbles)
  13. overlap_old_coach

    Chicago Fire
    United States
    May 2, 2022
    That's what I was referring to! I thought all the northern second level was youth teams...which I've brought up to the club a lot of times...there are over 240 youth clubs in the Chicago-land area...there should be AT LEAST 10 of them at every game...charge $5 and consider it a marketing investment in the future! Unless the adults ruin their time (because of a loss), they should be able to feel joy and want to come back again!
    bunge and schroncar repped this.
  14. overlap_old_coach

    Chicago Fire
    United States
    May 2, 2022
    1) Roster 1 (2020-2022)
    2) Roster 2 (2022-2024)
  15. overlap_old_coach

    Chicago Fire
    United States
    May 2, 2022
    1) History is history...Joe had nothing to do with it. I'm glad he didn't throw the baby out with the bath water like NR was going to do!
    2) For example, a storied National team career, Bundesliga - Bayern Munch, EPL-Liverpool player, sounds like a historic signing!
    3) Alacrity, conviction, & persistence are key traits for a FO...looking forward to seeing what (if any) moves are made in the upcoming window!
    bunge repped this.
  16. dlm_Fire

    dlm_Fire Member

    Aug 16, 2002
    Horse shit. Apologists on the forums have spouted fanciful crap for years pretending this stuff isn't so....and the plain truth is that we demonstrably worse under Manseuto than we were under Hauptman.

    Hauptman's full tenure (12 years):
    (Teams shown in off color were present for less than half the span)

    Even limiting it to his last 5 years (same length as Joe) we do better in comparison:
    Even though the PPG is dead solid for the last 10 full seasons (5 Hauptman, 5 Joe), the Joe years are worse because we're spending *stupid* amounts of money to get nothing.
  17. dlm_Fire

    dlm_Fire Member

    Aug 16, 2002
    Bullshit. Joe didn't *actually* change direction when he bought the club....he took his lead mostly from what had come before, which sucked.

    You're arguing that piling 39 million dollars on the ground and setting it on fire was a good thing.

    You *really* don't understand most of the shit that comes out of your mouth.

    You should type it, read it....try to understand it and fail....then pay someone to teach you what it is you're saying.
  18. plezercruz

    plezercruz Member

    Sep 20, 2004
    I was complaining about the guys in yellow.

    Pete (apologizes for being unclear)
    juicecrewallstar and bunge repped this.
  19. plezercruz

    plezercruz Member

    Sep 20, 2004
    Plus missing on, what, 7 DP signings so far?

    Pete (lost count)
  20. overlap_old_coach

    Chicago Fire
    United States
    May 2, 2022
    bunge repped this.
  21. overlap_old_coach

    Chicago Fire
    United States
    May 2, 2022
    Yea, that’s part of those 2 rosters…and trying to ‘fix it’…every GM/SD should get that amount of rope…we are at the last dance
  22. schroncar

    schroncar Member+

    Chicago Fire
    Mar 2, 2007
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    1) -ok
    2)- There were plenty of signs, not the least of which was that Shaqiri never really played CAM and that was the position Fire was trying to fill and desperately needed.
    3)- That is an absurd thing to say! None of those are the most important traits necessary for your player acquisition specialist. Those would be the traits required of a miniature donkey trying to mount a Clydesdale.
  23. goldclover

    goldclover Member+

    Mar 25, 2010
    Chicago Fire
    "Even though the PPG is dead solid for the last 10 full seasons (5 Hauptman, 5 Joe), the Joe years are worse because we're spending *stupid* amounts of money to get nothing."

    This...I do not give a shit about at all. That at least shows JM tries and is willing. I fault JM for trying with Heitz is all. That money spent from a billionaire means nothing to me (and frankly does not hurt him either). Hopefully, Heitz gets the axe sooner then later. By the by...what are the Actual responsibilities between Heitz and Pelzer? I mean...does Pelzer have anything to do with player acquisition? I simply do not know what is his purpose. Does Pelzer deserve blame?
  24. dlm_Fire

    dlm_Fire Member

    Aug 16, 2002
    You're "looking forward to the moves about to be made" by the player selection process *demonstrably worst in the entire league*, by a country mile....and you have the stones to think that you get to laugh at anyone else.

    Baby harp seals waddling right up to the fellow about to club them to death have more sense than you.
  25. dlm_Fire

    dlm_Fire Member

    Aug 16, 2002
    Our DP spots are limited and there's *absolutely* opportunity cost for things with any owner spending money he earned himself. It's not funny money to Joe, even though it clearly is to you.

    It is *dumb as hell* to think that shit doesn't matter.

    If our ownership knew enough to hire top talent at the top of the organization....the money he's already spent should have seen us pushing for hardware for the past several years. Last to first happens *pretty damn often* in this league....just not to us....because of *exactly* the thing you don't care about.
    juicecrewallstar repped this.

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