which D1 schools are still recruiting for this upcoming year? any D2 schools maybe if there arent D1s?! or even any NAIA schools? preferably in the Midwest area but thats not really important
There are plenty of schools still recruiting; the better question might be who has any money left to give any potential candidates. The answer to that might be slim to none, at least in Div 1.
If you're from Aachen/Gladbach, be sure to consider to consider UCSB, Rob Friend's alma mater I'm sure you know he plays for Borussia Mönchengladbach and is 3rd in the league in scoring Go Gauchos!!!
I think you will be very surprised at just how many D1 schools still have money for 2008. The transfer market is heating up and some top D1 schools still have monet to offer these kids,
Sad to say but WKU is no long recruiting. As some of you probably saw they just dropped their soccer program..
I feel really badly for the six incoming freshman recruits. Basically they are starting from square one since their offers of scholarships have been yanked. The website does say they are honoring the current scholarships through the players senior year as long as they remain in good academic standing. However, this more than likely will not include the incoming freshman since the National signing date hasn't came yet and technically there's no official scholarship.