(Mods, delete non poll version). OK, in my last poll, I asked the leftists/liberals out there what they think WILL happen with the Dems campaign strategy. Now you have a chance to fantasize...REALLY fantasize. C'mon, let's face it. Right now the left really doesn't feel very good about the USA. That's obvious just reading some of the posts here. They're predicatable: --We're bullies, we're hegemonistic, imperialistic. --Our civil rights are being dismantled. --Our educational system is a mess. --Corporate Amerika is corrupt, venal. --We continue to have huge racial problems. --Health care coverage is a disaster. --Income disparity is awful. We have too many people who are too rich. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Of course, some of the leftist persuasion, because they ARE rich, and because deep down they really don't like the USA, and can live anywhere they want (cf. Johnny Depp), choose to live elsewhere. Some, of course, threaten to leave (Alec Baldwin) and don't follow through. So, here you go my leftist children. Put you hypothetical money (assuming you could actually earn a living over there) where you actual mouth is. Let's see if you had your druthers you would REALLY want to be here, or be elsewhere.
Hm, I'm guessing you meant to put some overseas "liberal" destinations as possible havens for anti-Americans wanting to get out? Whatever, dude. Just for kicks, on your list of things wrong with America, which ones do you disagree with fundamentally? And of course, by "we" I assume you mean "the people currently in power." There is no "we" that represents "America" in any useful sense. (Except when the nats are playing, when anyone wearing red at the game is obviously part of the great we) But seriously, you list a number of criticisms of the current US admin. Which ones do you, Karl, think are totally beyond the pale of reason? - Imperialism: You think this isn't even worth discussing? - Civil Rights: ditto - Education: Getting our asses kicked sideways by many other countries - Corporate fraud: Even the Wall Street big guns see this as a major threat to our whole system - Race: Not sure that this belongs--is there some race-blind paradise you are thinkng of? In any case, why is this on the list? - Health care: Did you see today how many states are trimming Medicaid? Have you been following the prescription plans for seniors? Are you cool with 10 million American kids having ZERO health care? - Income disparity: Probably the least of our problems, but certainly worth paying attention to. In general Karl, I'm not sure what you're getting at here. Are you saying that all these issues are figments of crazed liberal imaginations? That US foreign policy is totally altruistic, our kids are the best educated, no children are hurt by lacking health care, and corporate America is just peachy? Because otherwise, you're going to start sounding like a whiny liberal pretty quickly.
To understand Karl, you need to pretend the bottom 3/4 of Americans in income don't exist. If you can do that, he makes a lot of sense.
It is all about quality of life. You start with nothing, well unless you are Bill Gates' son, and will die with nothing. Really, that Eternity 2000 a/c casket will not offer you much comfort. Some call it a midlife crisis and some even think a Mazda Miada is the cure, but the simple thing to do is move...move far far away. Sell all your stuff. Go and work off the land in some mountain village in Peru for a year, and if you don't like it, come back and write a book. Speaking of books, why is it that when someone pens a new one, they always make every single show you watch? I am about sick of Maddie Albright right about now. Don't mind me. I just have a bad case of Future Shock.
What Karl writes makes absolutely no sense. The right winger continually try to paint those that oppose them into a corner. This is stupid. and it isn't just Karl. It is the whole lot of them, and they get it from all the anti-liberal sentiment put forward by Ann, Bill, Rush, etc. For example, posters here often assume that I am a liberal and pro-Clinton. Yet I favor such "radical leftist" ideas as - balanced budget - veterans' benefits - flat tax - gun ownership - good works programs through churches - anti-fraud legislation - Clinton's impeachment - the Afghan war - Gulf War I To be fair, I am - against the war in Iraq - pro-choice - VERY pro-environment - VERY, VERY pro- Bush's removal from office Having worked 21 years in corporate America, yes, it is venal and corrupt. There are clean companies (Intel) and there are many dirty and/or inept ones. Income disparity is a huge problem. It isn't that too many people are too rich. Don't be an idiot. It is that money and power are highly concentrated, which is anti-democratic. Bush is a liar. He is serving his masters, and it is not us. Some of you from the right wing think he was chosen by God to lead us. Therefore you think his farts don't stink. The rest of us smell it, and it is raspy. Geez, I better open a window....
Re: Re: Says leftist: "If I could, I would vote with my feet, instead of my mouth..." Dan Loney : this thread :: John Wolyniec : Columbus Crew
Re: Re: Re: Says leftist: "If I could, I would vote with my feet, instead of my mouth..." Damn...better one. Dick.
Every time Karl posts, he inadvertently opens his bizarre little mind up to us another infinitesimal notch. Strange, strange man ...
Actually, I heard the opposite - they are being tightened after some "open-ness" during the Clinton years. While you are allowed to go there, Americans are not allowed to spend $ - even buying an all-inclusive tour from a Mexican operator is a no-no...and they have US agents in Cancun and other places ready to pounce on any American returning from Cuba. At least that's what I've hard recently. (If I'm wrong, let me know cuz I was entertaining the idea of a trip next year) Anyway, I second Loney's comment. If I had buttloads of money, I would be a permanent international traveler, but a lot of that time would be spent in NYC and other beautiful areas of America.
Tell you what. Why don't YOU and YOUR ilk move? After all, you seem to have issues with the all-American principle of speaking out about things that you don't like and you want to deport people that think differently from you. WHY DO YOU HATE OUR FREEDOMS?
By the way, it's not my place to tell other moderators what to do with their forums, but I would suggest to Dante and GringoTex that they change the thread title to something more apropos, like "Karl Keller hates public dissent and wants to deport public dissenters"
Check (just ask the U.N.) Check (just ask John Ashcroft) Check (just ask Rod Paige) Parts of it (paging Ken Lay) Are you saying we don't? Not for those of us who have it (unless we actually need to use it for surgery for example) Actually, we have too few people who are too rich. The more rich people, the better.
Re: Re: Says leftist: "If I could, I would vote with my feet, instead of my mouth..." You love it... ...then you hate what it's becoming?? And it's MY fault?? And folks like you call MY mind bizarre? Hoooo boy. Or maybe you're really talking about the Los Angeles Galaxy. What THAT team is becoming is DEFINITELY worth hating.
Deport dissenters?? Absolutely not. I happen to support the Bill of Rights. A very good idea. Dissenters are always welcome. And no one's stopping ANYBODY from dissenting. It's just that if you REALLY loathe the United States, as so many of the left do, then the question is, "Why are you here?...If things are so much better elsewhere, and if you had a choice, wouldn't you get the hell outta Dodge, a la Johnny Depp?" That's the question at hand.
Re: Re: Says leftist: "If I could, I would vote with my feet, instead of my mouth..." Now tell me, where did I say deport ANYONE?? Ah, the left...they just LOVE to put words in people's mouths. Then they think so many other bizarre things.