So any shot of the Rev changing the start time on Saturday from 7 to 4? It seems like a no brainier but they should have done it last week with the sox/yanks alcs game but didn’t and unfortunately the attendance showed. A simple time change could result in at least 10,000 more people. The only reason I can think of for not changing this would be the TV rights as fox sports world always has the 8pm Saturday games. As a disgruntled season ticket holder (for 9 years) i wish they finally use common sense....not that it matters because they won't market the game anyways!
First, I didn't think attendance looked all that bad last week, comparatively. Second, attendance at playoff games in Foxboro and throughout the league are typically lower than the season average. I'm not sure exactly why this is, but there is no way that 10,000 extra people would show up just by changing the game to 4 pm. We wouldn't even get 10,000 people there total, regardless of whether the Red Sox were playing. Between 5k and 8k is all that would likely show up in any case.
There is no reasonable way to get the word out to all interested parties of a time change. To attempt to do so would be a HUGE FUBAR. For better or worse MLS has chosen to be a 7:30 Saturday night event.
It has to be done though. With the World Series going on I cant imagine 3k showing up for this. Heck, I'm a Yankee and I plan to watch the series instead of going to foxboro.
Play the WS game on the scoreboard/overhead screen? The cheering might get annoying though? Who'd have ever thought a Red Sox WS would have been a problem for MLS! But I'm just happy the Yankees lost.
At this late time it cannot be changed. You'd have to change the time on all the workers at the stadium. Parking, Concessions, Ushers, Security, etc. On top of that you'd have to notify all the ticket holders somehow, someway that the time has changed for the game. Although a good idea in theory, in practice it'd be a amazing mess.
It could be a baseball game against alien life forms, initiating our first contact with them, and I still wouldn't watch it instead of a soccer playoff game of the team I support. To each his own.
The National League managed to change the starting time of NLCS game 6 Wednesday from 8:20 to 5:00 based on the result of the Red Sox - Yankees game 6 on Tuesday. This would be about a 17 hour notice. Not that an NLCS game is as big of an operation as an MLS playoff...
The time's not going to change people: If you decide to come, tape the Red Sox. If you decide not to come, tape the Revolution. The Magpie
Its sad that on a soccer message board devoted to the Revs, posters are saying they rather watch baseball. Oh well.
how's this....i can't make it to the game b/c of a prior 'curling' commitment. (p.s....yes the ice sport with rocks and brooms)
This is nothing more than a demonstration of the power of network TV. The NLCS game was moved because Fox didn't want the games going simultaneously.
That is correct, and also, the NLCS teams knew that an ALCS game 7 would supercede their scheduled game. That was a given. And it did. I'll be at the Revs game. I'll not care about the Sox game/score until the Revs game is over. Plain and simple. As much as I'd love to see the Sox win (and give more idiots the chance to riot), the Revs are my team first. Hell, with the way baseball is now played, you'd only miss the first couple of innings anyway.
Assuming you will be actively curling, thats a much better excuse because you'll actually be doing something rather than passively watching someone else peforming. I hope that people do show up for the Rev game because actively supporting the Revs in person--creating noise and atmosphere--is still better than watching something on TV where as a fan a person will have no possible effect on the game.
yeah, i'll be on the ice. but, i MADE SURE that i found a home for these any responsible revs fans should.
The point I was trying to make is that the attendance would/should be significantly better if they changed the time of the game. Like it or not, this area is all about the Boston Red Sox. I know the Rev need to establish their own base but they don’t help themselves when they are competing against the most popular event in town. For this team to survive, people need to be in the seats. Sadly, over the past few years, this has declined. Who is to blame? I want an MLS team in Boston forever, but if this continues I don't know if we'll be seeing that. This, though it may seem like minor issue to many, its just one example of how management has failed in recent years.
While I understand what you're saying and see your point, I think the Revs should leave their time as is. Look, like it or not, it's not like the Revs game was going to get a huge new base of fans coming out or watching on Saturday. While this partially punishes those of us who are both Sox/Revs fans (not excluding Pats/Celtics ... and some team named the Bruins), this is a pro team, and you don't just change your time. At least, I don't think they should, that's more a minor league move.
well, take this for what's its worth......but, either the bruins (or celtics) did change a start time for a hockey game last year b/c of a sox playoff game i believe.
Yes they did ... but their reasoning IIRC also included the traffic issues that would take place if both games started about the same time. Of course, I could be wrong.
how many games are there to be played REVS your last chance to cheer them on, last apperance of the year SOX this first game is meaningless, they play best of 7
in part....did some quick research. 1. it was a preseason game 2. i think announcer dale arnold had a hand into talking management into it 3. according to one bruins message board....many fans were planning on not attending b/c of the red sox game. ....if they cited traffic, i think that's a bit of spin. (not that we as revs fans know what 'spin' is of course)