Since the previous thread has nearly reached 1,000 posts, here's a new one. GO SAN JOSE EARTHQUAKES!!! -G
(continuing from the last thread) ... Falvo, this has been explained to you many times already. The stadium is not waiting on some person to sign a piece of paper. There are dozens and dozens of professional architects, engineers, planners working in design and structure and infrastructure and consultation with the ownership and various phases and drafts that all need to happen in unison and certain down to te smallest detail BEFORE anything actually happens. What about this don't you understand? We are not putting up some aluminum bleachers for a high school. Please go back and look at the posts regarding this.
I better start working on my 2012 Build It Now ! banner since the one used last year was donated to the Historical Museum of San Jose.
Just received this reply from my query to Dave Kaval: Thanks for the note. I did not release any information that I had not already discussed publicly to my knowledge. I can re-iterate the latest as I have communicated to our beat reporters. Feel free to share it with whoever is interested. As you know, I strive for open communication. I will be sure to include this in my next blog now that I am aware of this. 18,000 stadium Most intimate stadium in MLS with highest rake (33%) of any venue Skematic design is nearly complete except for exterior skin MLS approved We are doing a press release with the official club seats on sale that will include this information again and some new renderings. We are right in the middle of construction documents. Working hard every week to advance the project as quickly as possible. We want to make sure the right stadium is built that will be a fantastic home for the Quakes. GO QUAKES! Dave
Flavo, you're working on the assumption that they'd designed something previously... they hadn't. Other than some renderings that my wife could have done in photoshop they'd not done a thing on the actual stadium design until after the late Feb meeting where the stadium was approved to be built on the Airport West site. That's what they're doing right now in addition to getting the actual building permit. Also Pruneyard Towers were built over 30 years ago. Things were alot easier to build before we became the land of over priced everything and over legislation. California wasn't a joke of a state back then like it is today.
Until I see the first bulldozer come crashing through and men at work! About 10 years ago, we built an entire housing development and/or neighborhood in less amount of time than this is taking. Same goes for when I was in Europe which has even double the red tape and more bureaucratic communist city councils not to mention organized crime crap who all wanted a cut to deal with. If anything , it didn't take this long and none of this will happen here as the building materials are much easier to come by. Every day I'm watching a condo complex that has something like 20-30 homes off San Tomas Expressway built up since December and they are already to go and for sale. That took 5 months and there is no way this open air stadium could or would take longer to build than some of these developments I'm seeing pop up. As soon as they get started whenever that will be, it should flow easily. I mean after all, its not Maracana Stadium they are trying to build but when will they begin?
And how long did it take for them to wade through the permit process? As far as you know it could have taken several years.
For us anyway, it did not take four years....I remember distinctly it took maybe 3-6 months at the most for permits to be signed but we still started preparation work before the actual building or construction began. Of course that was over 10 years ago but I can't imagine things have changed all that much in the last decade.
They Do Not Have Designs Finalized Yet! For your sake and the rest of us PLEASE attempt to understand this most glaringly obvious fact and stop complaining that it's taking longer than you expect just because you have NO IDEA what this whole ordeal takes.
First of all, why do you care so much what I think or post and who made you the BS God? I'm expressing my thoughts and/or beliefs and this is what I am entitled to do! I never attacked or insulted anyone, I'm just saying its taking too long and that this is the truth. If you don't like or want to read what I have to say from now on, then don't or put me on ignore! Either way, maybe you should chill out because its really not that big of a deal!
Game on! Impact confirm Stade Saputo opener vs. Sounders Looks nice....
I would hope a stadium would be a more complex bit of construction than a typical residential building. More or less, housing these days is slapped together in more of a assembly line fashion, especially in a development environment where there are multiple units of essentially identical layouts being constructed. Depending on the builder, the quality of such things can run from reasonably good to downright awful. Regardless of the end quality, the process of actually constructing residential housing developments these days is usually pretty quick. I would hope the construction of a public stadium would involve quality that is far superior what one finds in common development home construction. While all buildings must be built to standards that maintain roof loads and other engineering concerns, those issues are magnified many times over when constructing a stadium that has to maintain massive weight loads in the seats or substantial lengths of unsupported roof areas. I am not sure of exactly how all of that works, in terms of engineering prior to construction, but my guess is that much of it is happening now. Things like ground water table levels, potential earthquake issues (liquefaction, etc.), and other surveying studies that were not possible until the final permits were issued and basic stadium needs were finalized do take time. My feeling is that realistically, stadium construction day 1 was the day after the final neighborhood appeal was denied.
You are kidding right? You guys paid for the whole thing yourself? If you tried now, do you think you's get a loan? This is not a housing project where the builder gets to build it, sell it and let his insurance take care of the likely construction defect litigation... (not that you guys would do that, but I live in a condo that was built by someone who did that) Anything goes wrong, SJQLLC have to pick up the tab...
You really don't think by now, Lew doesn't have the money to build it now and that he needs a loan? You are kidding right? I certainly don't believe that. Anyway, this is besides my point because I'm not talking about this at all! What I'm talking mostly about are permits being signed and construction beginning now or today, tomorrow or last week , for that matter! Its taking too freaking long and anyone who doesn't believe this thing isn't taking too long is crazy! Seriously how can anyone on this board not think or even wish this thing shouldn't have started already? You are telling me you as a fan want to wait longer (3, 4 even 6 months) for construction to begin , you are kidding right? Who in the world would want that?
Lew sure as hell is going to do this with a loan... He's going to set it up, so at some point, someone else or the team itself will be paying the loan off. It's not that Lew does not have the money, it is, where is his money best invested... Not in a stadium where he thinks only 10k are going to show up, (because as we all know, you don't get 40k in a stadium unless you have fireworks and he had to give that up to make the Newhall folks happy. ) You can't apply for permits until you have complete plans and have begun the bidding process (at least for multi-family dwellings). If they still have not completed the plans, (and to expect them to have them complete before Feb 22nd is mindless,) then how can they apply for permits? You were trying to compare the ease to which your family got their permit process done... 10 years ago?!?! I'm also telling you, as a fan, this delay, this FO, these black uni's, the DUMB rework of the logo, this team on the field (2012 not included), that "Porta-Potty" stadium, have been pretty much a slap in my face compared to what was taken away from me by those facades down at AEG. I don't want to wait any longer then is necessary, but for some strange reason, I've seen very little, that leads me to believe they are behind in their efforts to get this stadium built. Thay have been doing pretty much what I'd expect from an organization that has one eye on the purse strings, and the other scattering about trying to find the right combination to produce a team and organization worthy of its name. (They were doing the city a big favor demolishing the FMC buildings, no need for any fancy plans to do that, but look how long it took to get a decent practice site) I think Kaval has been a breath of fresh air, but this is from a point of view, sustaining on mainly what I see at City Hall meetings, the occasional game and the rest from this "oracle": BigSoccer. I'm probably ignorant of many details in the process, but I seriously doubt there is anyone standing around, fretting over whether they should put shovels in the ground. Everyone wants it as much as you do and when there is no longer a legitimite reason not to be building, they will start.
Hey, give him some love, it only took uncle Louie and cousin Carmine three days to put up Mrs. Gianelli's garden shed in Willow Glen.