Post-match: San Jose Earthquakes - New England Revolution (Wednesday, 8/24) postgame thread [R]

Discussion in 'San Jose Earthquakes' started by Goodsport, Aug 25, 2016.

  1. Goodsport

    Goodsport Moderator
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    May 18, 1999
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    The final score is:

    [​IMG] 0 - 0 [​IMG]



    P.S. = Please don't post results of other soccer games and other sports' games in this thread until at least 24 hours after they've ended.
  2. jetdog9

    jetdog9 Member+

    Nov 14, 2007
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    Beerking and don gagliardi repped this.
  3. bsman

    bsman Member+

    May 30, 2001
    San Jose Earthquakes

    On the positive side, at least Goitom seems to know where the goal is, unlike the rest of our team...

    Otherwise, a monumental waste of one of our games in hand.
    davez repped this.
  4. klingbard

    klingbard Member

    Oct 21, 2010
    San Jose Earthquakes
    1 goal and 1 point at home from Houston and New England is utterly unacceptable. The schedule only gets harder from here. Different year, same old mediocrity.
    davez, Beerking and QuietType repped this.
  5. mjlee22

    mjlee22 Quake & Landon fan

    Nov 24, 2003
    near Palo Alto, CA
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    I admire Chris Dangerfield for his efforts to try and stay positive in every sucky game: "Both teams cancelled each other out"

    Goitom looked a little better but I still think he is awkward-looking and can't jump.
    QuietType repped this.
  6. bobby_guzman

    bobby_guzman Member+

    Oct 24, 2014
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    In the language of Lee Nguyen's ancestor:

    "Du ma con cac!!!!"

    Translation: ARRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!
  7. mjlee22

    mjlee22 Quake & Landon fan

    Nov 24, 2003
    near Palo Alto, CA
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    According to mlssoccer, attendance tonight was 18,000
  8. bsman

    bsman Member+

    May 30, 2001
    San Jose Earthquakes

    In that case,from the way it looked on TV, they must have been 20 deep at the LOBINA!
    mjlee22 and bobby_guzman repped this.
  9. bobby_guzman

    bobby_guzman Member+

    Oct 24, 2014
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    Fisher & Wolff: "18k? Lookin good, team! If it ain't broke, don't fix it! Whooot!!!"
    DotMPP, mjlee22, sacrxy and 2 others repped this.
  10. QuietType

    QuietType Member+

    Jun 6, 2009
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    Pathetic. Pa-the-tic.

    John Doyle and Dom Kinnear need to both be fired. NOW. The incompetence of these two combined has seen the Quakes fail to be even mediocre. We are boring, impotent, frustrating to watch.

    This entire roster needs to be blown up and rebuilt. Of our guys, I would take Wondo, Dawkins, Bingham, TT(oh, who wasn't in the 18 again, instead he was helping Sac Republic get a third straight win), and maybe Godoy, and dump everyone else. I seriously mean that, there is not a single other guy on this roster I would like to build an MLS team with. Blow up this team and start anew. Guys are too old, too injured, or flat out not good enough, career mediocre journeymen. Enough. Every single year Doyle and Co. do the same thing, band aid this team and get cheap journeymen and fail to develop and bring in young players. They make mistake after mistake with injury-prone and bust players. They bring in mediocre pieces that don't fit together and hope it's the bare minimum or a recipe for success by fluke. I'm sick of this.

    The Earthquakes deserve better, fire these imbecilic dinosaurs who continue to ruin our team. If Kaval is complacent in it and hiding in the bushes, he should be fired along with them.

    Go Quakes and fire the FO!
    davez, ColinMcCarthy, Beerking and 7 others repped this.
  11. Smurfquake

    Smurfquake Moderator

    Aug 8, 2000
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    I was going to give my three word review: Puh. Thet. Ick. But you got to it first.
    DotMPP, Beerking, GrayBeard and 4 others repped this.
  12. bobby_guzman

    bobby_guzman Member+

    Oct 24, 2014
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    Serious question here for those in the know: Can Kaval even fire Doyle and Dom? Is it within his power?
  13. bpc

    bpc Member+

    Jul 21, 1999
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    San Jose Earthquakes
    Back from the game.

    We are not dangerous on repeated free kicks in dangerous positions. That is a big red flag. We are playing worse than we did earlier in the season. That is another red flag. When Amarikwa had to go off on in the first half, Kinnear brought in Chad CantBarrett instead of our new DP. Wait, what? If Goitom is not match-ready, then why the hell was he brought on to salvage our playoff hopes? As bsman says, at least he can find the goal, so why not start him? Huge red flag.

    I am formally joining Team Fire DomDoyle. Everyone who was warning way back when about Kinnear's "play for a tie" style was right. Let's make the change now before the team gets any worse. At least the new coach can come on for a few games at the end of the season and start taking stock for next year. We're ready for a change in management. We need a change in management.
    davez, Beerking, bsman and 10 others repped this.
  14. SoccerMan94043

    SoccerMan94043 Member+

    May 29, 2003
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    I'm ashamed to say I've truly lost all faith; I don't care to see another game (but will because I've already paid for them and I'm cheap).

    WTF is Dom thinking:

    1) Bringing on Barrett instead of Goitom (sp?)
    2) Waiting until the 70th minute to make a real sub
    3) Bringing Barrett off instead of Wondo who is completely sucking up the field

    I've been in the fire JD camp since day 1 in 2007/2008, but not the fire Dom camp. I say blow the whole thing sky high now, at least we'd have something to look forward to.
    Beerking, sacrxy, markmcf8 and 7 others repped this.
  15. Cuzinatti10

    Cuzinatti10 Member

    Nov 9, 2006
    markmcf8 repped this.
  16. Polemarch

    Polemarch Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    In other news, Jahn scored for Columbus.
    mjlee22, Beerking, OWN(yewu)ED and 6 others repped this.
  17. Earthshaker

    Earthshaker BigSoccer Supporter

    Sep 12, 2005
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    You know the team sucks ..... when your strategy is to sub off a sub. Is Goitom really only good for 15 minutes at this point?
    .......when Godoy does his best Charlie Brown miss the ball and then fakes an injury as some kind of excuse for his complete whiff.
    .......when a free kick in a dangerous place ends up with the ball to Cordell Cato outside the arc.
    .....when Wondo "Belgiums" another sitter.

    One of the worst and most unwatchable games I have seen, though slightly amusing in a Keystone Cops kind of way.
    Beerking and xbhaskarx repped this.
  18. Cuzinatti10

    Cuzinatti10 Member

    Nov 9, 2006
    Fire Kaval, Doyle and Kinnear!!! This team is horrible! Then get rid of the whole roster including those hideous uniforms and pathetic team logo and start fresh!

    I have never seen such a team that can't seem to figure out how to score 1 measly goal. How many 0-0 games are you guys going to put us through before you figure out how to actually play the game?
    tenfourteen repped this.
  19. Cuzinatti10

    Cuzinatti10 Member

    Nov 9, 2006
    Hey Doyle and Kinnear, Scottish style soccer doesn't work!
  20. TyffaneeSue

    TyffaneeSue moderator
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    Nov 15, 2003
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    #20 TyffaneeSue, Aug 25, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2016
    Wondo is a big part of the problem.

    Here's why:
    The team is oriented to Wondo because he's been our scoring machine. Sounds like a strategy that wouldn't be effective past U10, but oddly enough it's worked, though over the years people have noted that we'd be in deep doodoo if Wondo lost his touch.

    Wondo stops scoring; the team is adrift, but the strategy remains more or less the same.

    Quincy and Wondo don't really mesh well, but it's a passable partnership. Wondo could not deal with Chad at all, and was screaming at him.

    Wondo should have been subbed off, not Chad. Chad was doing no worse than anyone else out there, except for his hair.

    The only bright moments occurred when Goitom came on. Even Wondo perked up a little. I don't think he's awkward-looking in particular and seeing him out there gave me hope.

    I wish we could see some of our young guys playing, the ones that have been loaned out to various teams. Couldn't be any worse.

    P.S. I don't miss Kei Kamara.
  21. nivla

    nivla Member+

    Jan 17, 2003
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    As I said in the in-game thread, people were booing and whistling Dom for the Barret for Quincy sub and at half time. It happened again when Barret was coming out. That is a WTF moment.

    More booing and whistling after the final whistle was blown.

    Bench Wondo. At least Barret got off 2 shots.
    Is Wondo untouchable? I love the guy but his current form doesn't suggest he should start. He was never fast but these days he could not even get to the scoring positions or pull off a shot.

    Fire Dom! Fire Doyle!
    Beerking, bsman, OWN(yewu)ED and 4 others repped this.
  22. mojoQ

    mojoQ Member

    Apr 8, 2012
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    The fact that Wondo is essentially untouchable, is poisoning this team, including the coach.
  23. Bebeto

    Bebeto Member

    Feb 24, 2000
    Well I'm convinced the front office is resigned to write off the season. Leaving the stadium the PA was playing some atmospheric Moby theme, I'm guessing it's our season theme song...
  24. SJTillIDie

    SJTillIDie Member+

    Aug 23, 2009
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    Obviously super frustrating game. Yeah wondo is in a slump but we haven't been generating very many good chances for him or our other forwards either. It's mostly been long crosses into the box from deep on the wing. And unless goitom is in there, those crosses usually go to waste. I like what I've seen from goitom but his lack of fitness is a big problem... can he not go at least 45 minutes?

    Disgusted that TT was out on loan instead of playing in this match.
    ColinMcCarthy, tenfourteen and sacrxy repped this.
  25. Earthshaker

    Earthshaker BigSoccer Supporter

    Sep 12, 2005
    The hills above town
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Uh, this guy may beg to differ.

    We just have the wrong Scotsman in charge.

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