person keeping tally of Sealy's stats; we have a new task for you. make note every time any San Jose player completes a pass. a single pass. it shouldnt be asking too much of you right now.
looked like Ampai was warming up, thank goodness and no Sealy that wasnt a just suck.
I've just unpacked one of the boxes from my move over half time and uncovered my Troy Dayak Bobble Head. I have placed him next to the TV in the hope that his passion will somehow pass to the team via Osmosis through the TV. -Richard
Ampaipitakwong on early for Khari. not a bad sub Khari was sucking ass. lets see what the kid can do. Dawkins still playing bar none the best ball on our team.
Had to step away from the game for the last 10 minutes, so my stats are no longer being kept. I'll check out the replay when it's up on MLSNet.
LOL announcer...."this is a strategic cat and mouse game" the teams long ball boot it back and forth to each other. oh my GOD what is that on Lenharts lip?! eewwww...... hey Sealy is coming out!.........for RJ.......someone smarter that me...quick, what does that mean?
To game director: First, don't do closeups of players on the bench when the ball is in play. Second, don't do closeups of players with that disturbing a mustache.
hmmm, playing two balls at the same time.......thats a bold strategy. I like where theyre going with it lets see how it turns out.