Speaking of deeply troubled, it's been seven minutes and Karl hasn't showed up and tried to turn this into a political "I blame the lefty moonbats" thread. You feeling ok Karl?
NASA should next attempt to crash some space debris into this leftist Russian astrologer: Marina Bai! Btw: Bravo NASA... how is it NASA can hit a comet in space but DoD can't hit a missile within our own atmosphere?
I am so heartened that NASA helped us celebrate our nation's birthday - by continuing our proud heritage of blowing sh** up.
Because NASA isn't the ones running Star Wars -- that honor goes to the military/industrial complex. http://www.fas.org/spp/starwars/agency/index.html That's kind of like asking why the forest service hasn't built better roads. http://www.fas.org/spp/starwars/program/nmd/
Every day I get to go onto the internet and find a newest stupidest cause/person/lawsuit/you name it. I wonder if I can sue the Russian Communist Party for mental anquish for the years I spent growing up worried that a Nuclear attack was going to happen? What say we make it a class action lawsuit and ask for $900 Billion? Then I am off to Wendys to spill some chilli on me so I can sue them for the burns and for their chilli being too hot.
That was my plan as well, but as the chili was just starting to burn my arm, the fingers located in my chili reached into my frosty and applied a dollup of cool, chocolaty goodness onto the burn area bringing down the temperature of the skin and preventing any injury that I could later use to support my law suit. Damn fingers!