RSL vs. The Vancouver Canucks, oops, Whitecaps, 7-27-12 @ 7:00 PM UDT

Discussion in 'Real Salt Lake' started by El-ahrairah, Jul 22, 2012.

  1. El-ahrairah

    El-ahrairah Member+

    Sep 20, 2004
    Wanker County
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    After RSL's thrashing of Colorado to clinch the WMC (which I think is the first time in the history of the competition that either team has not had to wait until the last game to hoist the trophy), RSL welcomes the Vacouver Canucks, oops, Whitecaps the friendly confines of the RioT. Vancouver is famous for three things, being Canadian (duh!), being the film location for lots of TV shows (21 Junk-Heap, Stargate series, etc.) and hockey. I'm sure that there have been lots of fine hockey players who have played for the Vancouver Canucks (one named Messier comes to mind), but unfortunately, they can't hold a candle to the all-time, greatest Vancouver Canuck hockey player. Yes, I'm talking about the one, the only, Tiger Williams, the NHL career penalty leader in minutes (3,966) and NHL career penalty leader in minutes including playoffs (4,421), both records which will probably never be broken now that the "kinder, gentler" NHL has basically outlawed fighting and turned the teams into 10-man figure skating shows. But I digress......

    Anyway, here is the Vancouver Canucks, oops, Whitecaps line up:

    -------------------------------Tiger Williams---------------------------------------
    ----Tiger Williams-----Tiger Williams----Tiger Williams----Tiger Williams-----
    ----Tiger Williams-----Tiger Williams----Tiger Williams----Tiger Williams-----
    -----------------Eric Hassili----------------Tiger Williams--------------------------

    Basically, since Tiger Williams is the greatest Vancouver sportsman of all time, the Canucks, oops, Whitecaps line up will be all Tiger Williams with the exception of Eric Hassili. He seems to have that certain, je ne sais quoi to compete on a team with an enforcer like Tiger Williams. And besides, he has all those nasty tattoos, which is a big plus when it comes to intimidation. Ergo, it looks like the Canucks, oops, Whitecaps are out for blood this game. Can you say "A lot of chippy, off the ball play with multiple yellow, red cards"?

    Not to be out done, RSL has decided that for this game, to honor the biggest holiday in the state of Utah (no, it's not National Green Jello day), Pioneer Day, the line up will be as follows (cue mood music "Come, Come Ye Saints"):
    -----------------------------------Wilford Woodruff---------------------------------------------
    ----Ezra Taft Benson-----Orrin Porter Rockwell-----Heber Chase Kimball-----Orson Pratt----
    ---Willard Richards-----William Clayton-----George Albert Smith---Truman Osborn Angell--
    --------------------------Green Flake---------------Erastus Snow----------------------------

    Coach: Brigham Young

    Note: One of the Great El-ahrairah's ancestors is listed on one website as being a part of Brigham Young's group of pioneers to enter the Great Salt Lake valley, but the official LDS Church website doesn't contain his name, ergo, I was forced to leave him out of the line up. He probably would have made a good CB.
    Ergo, the Canucks, oops, Whitecaps are bringing the red cards and RSL will counter with the Lord's annointed. Who do you think will win?
    Sabra, 15 to 32 and BalanceUT repped this.
  2. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
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    United States
    So they are fielding 10 hockey players and a TFC player?
    We should kill 'em

    It'll be interesting to track the health of Olave over the week. It will be also interesting to see if KB actually goes to Philly for the ASG. With him sitting out against the cRapids, I could see it as more of a possibility. However, I'm sure Kreis will have a talk to him about what that would mean for Friday and the 31st.

    Speaking of the 31st, how much does that match affect this lineup? Does Kreis rest some players? Does he figure 4 days rest is fine and will rotate @ cRapids? I think it's a mix of everything. Anybody that is questionable will sit against the Whitecaps. The best XI will be played @ Costa Rica (HUGE game if we want to get an early jump in our group) and then he'll gauge who is still healthy enough to play at that massive dick pitch.

    If I had to predict an XI, it would be:

    We could see Braun get a start in place of one of our forwards
    I wouldn't be surprised to see Grabs in the XI, I just think we need rotation in the middle and in the back - which is why I have Mansally on.
  3. georg

    georg Member+

    May 25, 2009
    Parowan, Utah
    Real Salt Lake
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    United States
    We will have to play better than we did last night if we want to beat Vancouver.
  4. TheBiff

    TheBiff Member+

    Apr 8, 2011
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    Or any other team in the league really.
    Even Toronto would take advantage of lackadaisical play like that.
  5. DrownedElf

    DrownedElf Member+

    Jul 5, 2010
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    I'm a fan of rotating. We have some people that are good enough to where we can afford to rotate 1-3 guys (one per area of the field) and still have a competitive enough lineup. We'll need to keep guys fresh and healthy if we want to have any success during the rest of the year. While I'd love to win the SS, I'd be more than happy to take our group in CONCACAF and have a 100% healthy group of players going into the playoffs.
  6. georg

    georg Member+

    May 25, 2009
    Parowan, Utah
    Real Salt Lake
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    United States
    Rest players for what the all-star break?
  7. DrownedElf

    DrownedElf Member+

    Jul 5, 2010
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    Rest players for the congested schedule coming up. We're going to have a lot more 3 games per week with MLS/CONCACAF and I'd rather get a rotation down now and get players used to it, then do it when we're forced to because of injury. Lately we've been forced to due to injury, and as players start coming back I'd rather we keep minutes more limited so that they can get to 100% and hopefully avoid reinjury or new injuries.
  8. Ismitje

    Ismitje Super Moderator

    Dec 30, 2000
    The Palouse
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    Our MLS schedule is odd right now - Colorado, Vancouver, Colorado, Vancouver - and one thing new but key to Vancouver's attack is Dane Richards bombing up the left of our defense. Mansally ought to be there for sure. Then they have two new DPs, Bryan Robson running things in the middle of the field and Kenny Miller up top. Miller probably won't be 90 minutes fit in our first meeting. Robson hasn't yet faced a diamond, and I am comfortable with Johnson and Alvarez in there.

    Also: Vancouver will have a player in the ASG as well, Jay DeMerit.

    Play this one with Costa Rica in mind; start Braun for Sabo (there's a fellow who could use a rest). Rest Sabo, Beckerman, Olave, and perhaps Wingert.
  9. RoyalNonesuch

    RoyalNonesuch Member+

    May 10, 2009
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    United States
    If you can't beat em (San Jose), hope to hell they lose or tie (thanks Vancouver).

    I can see these next three MLS matches going either really well or really poorly. Vancouver is beating people. We'll see how we match up with them.

    Also note how San Jose struggles against strong wing play...
  10. El-ahrairah

    El-ahrairah Member+

    Sep 20, 2004
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    Real Salt Lake
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    United States
    Well, I guess I should have read the latest trade gossip. Anyway, with them down a man, we should kill them or we really, really suck.
  11. 3.2's

    3.2's Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    a 90 minute power play? take off eh.
    15 to 32 repped this.
  12. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
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    United States

    seems El-ahrairah was on to something in his RSL lineup...
    - or we can blame him for this.
  13. Blitzz Supporter

    May 23, 2004
  14. georg

    georg Member+

    May 25, 2009
    Parowan, Utah
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    United States
    Also will be discounted beer night. Funny they did not put the singles in the south end;)
    lurpythepirate repped this.
  15. RSLer

    RSLer Member+

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Green Flake?
  16. El-ahrairah

    El-ahrairah Member+

    Sep 20, 2004
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    Oh, 'LDS' Singles Night. I thought that it said 'Los' Singles Night. Duh!
  17. El-ahrairah

    El-ahrairah Member+

    Sep 20, 2004
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    Real Salt Lake
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    Yeah, I thought the same when I was in Utah History class in 7th grade, but given all the Mormon first names with "la" or "le" like Lavell or Legrande, who am I to complain.
  18. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    KB played about 30 minutes last night
    Demerit had to go the full 90

    Which of these guys is more likely to start?

    I personally think Alvarez should start and KB should be featured on the bench. If circumstances call, then bring on Beckerman. If things go according to plan (the good guys in red winning) then don't worry about playing him.

    I hope Demerit has an awful flight, doesn't get any sleep, but is still forced to start. In order for Sabo to have success, Demerit can't play anywhere near as well as he did last night.
  19. I_Believe_In_Kreis

    Oct 2, 2006
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    United States
    I'm hearing that DeMerit may not even travel. However, I kind of doubt KB5 is going to play either, what with a trip to Costa Rica looming.
    15 to 32 repped this.
  20. RoyalNonesuch

    RoyalNonesuch Member+

    May 10, 2009
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    Start Alvarez, have KB ready. That was a sweet assist.

    I also just learned the origins of the "GAM" name. What a slop goal from a slop performance. I'm definitely not an Eddie Johnson fan at all.
  21. DrownedElf

    DrownedElf Member+

    Jul 5, 2010
    Real Salt Lake
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    United States
    Well 15 you got your wish. His flight was cancelled earlier for some unknown reason. And this was from an hour ago:
    Been on the runway in NY for almost 2 hrs now. Delays, cancellations, re-routes all day. Might get to SLC by game time tomorrow. This blows.
    15 to 32 repped this.
  22. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I hope Vancouver is stupid enough to start him after all of this.

    I'm really intrigued by this matchup. In the papers, Kreis and the rest of the team have been very complimentary of Vancouver. Saying they could easily be the best team we've played at the RioT all season (take that douche-quakes). However, there has been a lot of talk about Costa Rica and CCL next week. Who do we see start? Who is penned in as subs?

    If I were Kreis, this is what I would go with to start:

    GK: Rimando
    - I have zero confidence in Reynish or I would say start him

    LB: Mansally
    - Vancouver has speed - speed counters speed

    CB: Borchers
    - We need someone who is a regular in the back line

    CB: Watson
    - I really wish we had Schuler healthy. Mattocks is likely to get the better of KWS

    RB: Wingert
    - It's amazing how many minutes he and Beltran have put in this year

    DM: Alvarez
    - A reward for his play against the cRapids - Have KB ready on the bench, though

    RM: Gil
    - The kid has an engine and skill, use it

    LM: Johnson
    - The energizer bunny (need to get that two-stick done)

    AM: Morales
    - Have him as your first sub, though

    FW: Espindola
    - One of those moments I wish we had PJ

    FW: Braun
    - Have Sabo on the bench so he is fresh for Costa Rica

    Subs: Reynish, Olave, Wingert, Beckerman, Grabs, Steele, Sabo
    - Use Steele/Grabs for Javi
    - Sabo for Espy
    - hold on to last, but plan on the other midfielder not used above for Gil or Johnson
  23. RoyalNonesuch

    RoyalNonesuch Member+

    May 10, 2009
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    United States
    I'd go first 11. We're running out of home games to secure points with. We need to go right at them.
  24. I_Believe_In_Kreis

    Oct 2, 2006
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    Real Salt Lake
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    United States
    I'd go with that too...but not at the expense of a bad result in Costa Rica. Unfortunately the "4-game tournament" trumps all at this point.
  25. Ismitje

    Ismitje Super Moderator

    Dec 30, 2000
    The Palouse
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    This game would look a lot different if Vancouver had qualified for the CCL as they should have. Then they would likely be playing far afield next week, too.​
    pate and 15 to 32 repped this.

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