RSL 2024 In-Season Thread

Discussion in 'Real Salt Lake' started by Allez RSL, Feb 20, 2024.

  1. rslfanboy

    rslfanboy Member+

    Jul 24, 2007
    Section 26
    He stepped in a ball on tore his hamstring.
    Silva IS a veteran CB, who has a few captains armbands to his name. I know he has always been injury-prone, but dropping him for someone else who would cost about the same and also could step on a ball and tear their hamstring doesn’t really make a ton of sense to me.

    I think we got really unlucky, just like Ruiz, with this injury. However, this was likely Silva’s last year with the team anyhow, so all this does is accelerate the need to replace him, and leaves us in a dicey situation the rest of the year. All teams deal with this stuff.
    RSLer repped this.
  2. irondeepbicycle

    irondeepbicycle Member+

    Real Salt Lake
    United States
    Jul 31, 2017
    Didn't see much discussion of this, but looks like the current Silva replacement is Tommy Silva. He went through our academy and was a 4 year starter at UCLA.

    I don't think he even has a Monarchs appearance to his name, so I've never seen him play before.
    Allez RSL repped this.
  3. Med_Phys

    Med_Phys Member+

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    Jun 20, 2019
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    Thought he was a LB?
  4. irondeepbicycle

    irondeepbicycle Member+

    Real Salt Lake
    United States
    Jul 31, 2017
    You might be right. I was just going by process of elimination cause nobody else was a center back.

    So we might just not have had a backup CB last night.
  5. Med_Phys

    Med_Phys Member+

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    My guess is it would have been Oviedo, if needed.

    There's still about two weeks left in the primary transfer window. I wonder if we'll see any additions given two significant long term injuries already.
  6. Med_Phys

    Med_Phys Member+

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  7. Med_Phys

    Med_Phys Member+

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    Jun 20, 2019
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    rslfanboy, goobx1 and Ismitje repped this.
  8. goobx1

    goobx1 Member+

    Jul 9, 2007
    Salt Lake
    All good stuff.

    I am doing my best to focus on the positives with Gomez because there are a lot. He does get around the corner on defenders a heck of a lot but I am just waiting for him to figure out what to do when he does get around the corner. He reminds me of Anderson Julio in that he has a ton of potential but will he put it all together? That's the question. Hopefully he has tougher hamstrings.

    Luna is another question. I hope he gets it figured out but I don't think its all his fault. Just look at where RSL is attacking. It's all down the right side and that can't be coincidental. If you wanted your team to do more than attack down more than one side then maybe that would be a little more obvious. Maybe, maybe not.
  9. Med_Phys

    Med_Phys Member+

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    Jun 20, 2019
    Terre Haute, IN
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    I don't know what Seattle would want for him (I'm not giving up much), but I'm trying to trade for this guy to fix the CB issue, if I'm Kurt. He's an expiring deal, so you aren't out much if it doesn't work out. He's a proven starter in MLS.

    Plus, SEA owes us.
  10. RSLer

    RSLer Member+

    Sep 24, 2008
    Stansbury Park, UT
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    #110 RSLer, Apr 12, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2024
    Yesterday I finally had time to watch the Minnesota game. I focused on Luna. He dropped deep a lot to help connect the back line with the mids. He also defended a lot. So, a lot of the time he was simply left behind when we attacked quickly. When he was forward he stayed on the left and slid to the center from time to time. I think the strategy was to tie up a defender since most of the attacking was on the right side. imo his passing was frustrating him and getting into his head. Sometimes he would send a ball into an undefended area, but nobody made a run and he would throw his arms into the air. A lot of the time his teammates passed him the ball when he was tightly marked and they shouldn’t have done that. Subsequently his own passes were inaccurate.

    His replacement, Barajas, almost always drifted to the middle and even far to the right when we had the ball. The problems I had with that were he brought another defender with him, and it left us open defensively. I noted that he didn’t find much more of the game than did Luna.
  11. rslfanboy

    rslfanboy Member+

    Jul 24, 2007
    Section 26
    This largely tracks with my perception, that the left side is being left out to dry.
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  12. RSLer

    RSLer Member+

    Sep 24, 2008
    Stansbury Park, UT
    Real Salt Lake
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    United States
    The other player I tried to focus on was Gomez (but to a lesser extent). He had the one great play, but Rosales otherwise dominated him when Gomez dribbled one v one against him. Gomez also got Rosales a yellow card when Rosales grabbed him. But that was a bad decision by Rosales. He didn’t need need to do that because he had help behind him.
  13. Med_Phys

    Med_Phys Member+

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    Jun 20, 2019
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    Pablo, while talking with Spence Checketts, made it sound like the club is trying to add a CB before the 23rd. Interesting that they'll want to add a new player rather than call-up/re-call a player.

    I still think they should try to add Arreaga from SEA.
  14. RSLer

    RSLer Member+

    Sep 24, 2008
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    United States
    They may have determined that none of the players available via call up or recall are playing well enough. That would probably be the simplest explanation.
  15. Med_Phys

    Med_Phys Member+

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    Jun 20, 2019
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    I'm waiting for goobx1 to spill the beans after listening to his latest episode.
    goobx1 repped this.
  16. goobx1

    goobx1 Member+

    Jul 9, 2007
    Salt Lake
    Uno, thanks for listening. Very much appreciated.

    Dos, That’s all we know for real at the moment. Lambert and Orozco not seen as options at CB. At all, and looking at player/s to bring in this window. Can’t imagine them not doing something at CB.

    Tres, we don’t reveal our sources.
    Allez RSL, RSLer and Med_Phys repped this.
  17. Med_Phys

    Med_Phys Member+

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    Jun 20, 2019
    Terre Haute, IN
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    Of course, I don't really expect you to share stuff shared with you in confidence.
    Can you give us a hint though? MLS or out of the league?

    I would like to know how they rate Farnsworth and the Pierre brothers. What's the point of keeping them on HG deals if they aren't going to get a shot with the first team?
    I would also like to know what kind of roster flexibility they have. Do they get budget/roster spot relief with Ruiz being out all year?
    What's the plan for Lambert and Orozco? Orozco's loan is supposed to end next month.
  18. Ismitje

    Ismitje Super Moderator

    Dec 30, 2000
    The Palouse
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    United States
    The roster rules changed last week, for the current season. We're fine.
  19. Med_Phys

    Med_Phys Member+

    United States
    Jun 20, 2019
    Terre Haute, IN
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    United States
    I thought they don't take effect until the secondary window?
  20. Ismitje

    Ismitje Super Moderator

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Real Salt Lake
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    US Open Cup Draw:

    Watson Division
    Real Salt Lake
    Colorado Springs Switchbacks
    New Mexico United
    New York City FC II

    We are at New Mexico on 8 May.
    Med_Phys, RSLer and rslfanboy repped this.
  21. Med_Phys

    Med_Phys Member+

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    Jun 20, 2019
    Terre Haute, IN
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    Not a bad draw, although RSL will be on the road for the next round if they advance. These USOC games aren't very kind to the schedule.
    This will be in the middle of 5 games in 15 days:
    5/4 Host SKC; 5/8 @ NMU; 5/11@ LAG; 5/15 Host SEA; 5/18 Host CRapids

    Anyone starting a thread?
  22. Med_Phys

    Med_Phys Member+

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    Jun 20, 2019
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    Allez RSL repped this.
  23. irondeepbicycle

    irondeepbicycle Member+

    Real Salt Lake
    United States
    Jul 31, 2017
    RSL trades $150-200K in GAM for Philip Quinton.

    He's played 1 MLS game in the last ~11 months, which oddly enough was this past Saturday against us.

    He's generally been a Next Pro guy and gotten very few MLS minutes, but he played 4 years of college ball and is 6'6", so he's a Pablo guy I guess.
    evilradar, acima, Allez RSL and 2 others repped this.
  24. RSLer

    RSLer Member+

    Sep 24, 2008
    Stansbury Park, UT
    Real Salt Lake
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    United States
    On the plus side we potentially have 6’5 and 6’6 in the opponent’s box on corners.
  25. Ball Kicker

    Ball Kicker Member

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Aug 11, 2022
    Quinton is not agile, not very strong for his size, and his positioning and reading of the game are both subpar. He can pass the ball pretty okay.
    I am not sure what prompted RSL to make this move, but I am very surprised that Columbus were able to offload him for any amount of money…..he has a lot of work to do to become an everyday starter in MLS, or maybe he just needs a no-nonsense role to become effective.
    Good luck to RSL the rest of the year!
    Allez RSL, KendaReal, RSLer and 2 others repped this.

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