Rowdies in the 2012 U.S. Open Cup

Discussion in 'Tampa Bay Rowdies' started by Macsen, May 1, 2012.

  1. Macsen

    Macsen Moderator
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    Nov 5, 2007
    Orlando City SC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    In the second round, you go visit the winner of the following match:

    Orlando City U-23 v. Jacksonville United

    Orlando City U-23 v. Tampa Bay Rowdies would take place at Seminole Soccer Complex in West Sanford at 1pm (Orlando City plays either a PDL or USASA team at 7pm)

    Jacksonville United v. Tampa Bay Rowdies would take place at Patton Park, between Jacksonville and Jacksonville Beach, at 7pm.
  2. speedcake

    speedcake Member

    Dec 2, 1999
    FC Tampa Bay Rowdies
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    lame. Absolutely no way to get excited about this round as it'll be tough to get a group in Jacksonville midweek and next to impossible to make it to Sanford at 1pm on a Tuesday afternoon for a game that otherwise could have been very, very interesting.

    If the Rowdies would have tried to host this round and we drew Orlando's U-23s I feel that there could have been a decent level of interest from fans and supporters on both sides.

    Yes I'm aware that hosting the games cost moneys, but since we aren't hosting either matchup here I'm assuming that we aren't going to try for any other rounds. That will be a huge shame.

    Rubbish. I am disappointed.
  3. BayVol

    BayVol Member

    Jun 30, 2002
    Clearwater, FL
    FC Tampa Bay Rowdies
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    United States
  4. FNovoa

    FNovoa Member

    Dec 28, 2000
    Redington Shores, FL
    FC Tampa Bay Rowdies
    Agreed. We could have had a good opportunity hosting a game.
  5. WhiteStar Warriors

    Mar 25, 2007
    FC Tampa Bay Rowdies
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Orlando is scared of the Mob that's why they decided to play in Sanford instead of citrus bowl;)

    Seminole soccer complex is in Tallahassee. not Sanford.

    unless theirs more than one seminole soccer complex.
  6. FNovoa

    FNovoa Member

    Dec 28, 2000
    Redington Shores, FL
    FC Tampa Bay Rowdies
    The game is in Sanford, E, not in Tallahassee.

    There's a Seminole soccer complex in Seminole, FL too ; so there's definitely more than one Seminole soccer complex in FL.
  7. SoccerPrime

    SoccerPrime Moderator
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    All of them
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    It changes names often due to sponsorship, but we usually refer to it as the Seminole Soccer Complex, mostly because its in Seminole COUNTY.

    Here is it's wiki entry:

    And why would O City rent out the CB for Rowdies to play their U23 squad?
  8. WhiteStar Warriors

    Mar 25, 2007
    FC Tampa Bay Rowdies
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    So they are renting CB, I thought they were primary tenants.
  9. FNovoa

    FNovoa Member

    Dec 28, 2000
    Redington Shores, FL
    FC Tampa Bay Rowdies

    I know it's in Seminole COUNTY. I was saying there is a seminole soccer complex in the city of Seminole, Florida too. (Seminole, FL is just north of St. Petersburg)
  10. FNovoa

    FNovoa Member

    Dec 28, 2000
    Redington Shores, FL
    FC Tampa Bay Rowdies
    Great question.
  11. SoccerPrime

    SoccerPrime Moderator
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    All of them
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    Real Salt Lake
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    BTW its in Lake Mary, not Sanford.

    Yes they are paying rent. They are getting a sizable discount from what I hear. Primary tenant? I think they will get out-scheduled by any college bowl game, black college championship, concert or monster truck rally that could use it instead. But their dates are pretty solid.
  12. WhiteStar Warriors

    Mar 25, 2007
    FC Tampa Bay Rowdies
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    So why couldn't they have their Open Cup game there? Is their a monster truck rally or concert?
  13. FNovoa

    FNovoa Member

    Dec 28, 2000
    Redington Shores, FL
    FC Tampa Bay Rowdies
    Cool. I have family in Deltona. I'm familiar with the area.
  14. kenntomasch

    kenntomasch Member+

    Sep 2, 1999
    Out West
    FC Tampa Bay Rowdies
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Okay, three questions....

    Do you know what tenants do?

    Do you know what early-round US Open Cup matches usually draw?

    Do you know how much sense (financially and aesthetically) it makes to play an early-round Open Cup match in a 70,000-seat stadium?
  15. WhiteStar Warriors

    Mar 25, 2007
    FC Tampa Bay Rowdies
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    1. Their is a difference between primary tenats and sharing with other teams,events.

    2. ? SEE 3

    3. So if the multi-millionaire in ORL is scared of losing money for such a event, well then they have problems in ORL. just wondering if the stalling by city officials in ORL for CB has anything to do with it.

    just wondering is it a coincidence that after the news the ORL stadium thread was closed.
  16. kenntomasch

    kenntomasch Member+

    Sep 2, 1999
    Out West
    FC Tampa Bay Rowdies
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Got news for ya: even primary tenants share with other teams and events. They may have priority, but not exclusivity. You asked "So they rent the CB? I thought they were primary tenants." Even primary tenants are renters. They have to pay to use the stadium just like everybody else. That's the very definition of "tenant."

    You've achieved the rare Daily Double: not thinking and yet overthinking.

    You'll have to ask the multi-millionaires who own MLS teams why they, too, play early-round Open Cup games at sites that aren't their main stadiums. "Scared of losing money?" This is going to shock you, genius, but you don't get to stay a multi-millionaire throwing money away.

    Paying whatever rent you pay for a 70,000 seat stadium to draw a thousand people makes zero sense. You're not playing some game with Orlando's city officials by withholding a potentially huge matchup with LittleKnown FC.

    Going to guess it's the size of the thread, as it's the third-largest thread in that forum. I doubt anybody was going to deeply explore the conspiracy theory you're hinting at.
    SoccerPrime repped this.
  17. ceezmad

    ceezmad Member+

    Mar 4, 2010
    Chicago Red Stars
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    So there could be 2 games on Tuesday May 22nd in the same stadium/complex?

    K.C. Athletics (USASA)/Real Colorado Foxes (PDL) Winner at Orlando City Soccer Club (USL PRO): Seminole Soccer Complex; Sanford, Fla.; 7:30 p.m. ET


    Tampa Bay Rowdies (NASL) at Orlando City U-23s (PDL): Seminole Soccer Complex; Sanford, Fla.; 1 p.m. ET

    They should move the TB - OCSCU23 to a closer time, say 4:30 pm
  18. WhiteStar Warriors

    Mar 25, 2007
    FC Tampa Bay Rowdies
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    Just wondering:

    Phoenix SC (USASA-Pa.) 1, Rochester Rhinos (USL PRO) Sahlen's stadium Rochester, NY

    FC New York (USL PRO) 1, New York Red Bulls (MLS Red Bull Arena
    Chicago Fire PDL (PDL) 0, Sporting Kansas City (MLS LIVE STRong SportsPark

    two played elsewhere;

    Kitsap Pumas (PDL) 1, Seattle Sounders (MLS) 2 Starfire Sports Stadium; Tukwila, Wash.

    Los Angeles Blues (USL PRO) 1, Los Angeles Galaxy (MLS) 2
    Titan Stadium (CSUF); Fullerton, Calif.

    So it's not every MLS team all the others played at their venues except for those two.

    This one I don't understand:

    Los Angeles Galaxy (MLS) 1, Seattle Sounders (MLS) 3

    Starfire Sports Stadium; Tukwila, Wash.
  19. ceezmad

    ceezmad Member+

    Mar 4, 2010
    Chicago Red Stars
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The fire did play Pre-open cup games down in Peoria.

    Is cheaper to rent a smaller stadium, even the FIRE pay rent at TP when they are the primary tenant of the Stadium.

    Shit the Blackhawks and Bulls are sent packing for a few weeks and do long road trips when the circus is in town.
  20. kenntomasch

    kenntomasch Member+

    Sep 2, 1999
    Out West
    FC Tampa Bay Rowdies
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    Do you think this started like yesterday?

    Again, you haven't been paying attention.

    Seattle has played - and continues to do so - its early round USOC games at Starfire. Yes, the MLS team that doesn't really have to worry about money is "afraid" to lose money by opening its own stadium. They're one of those teams that does this. Chicago has played in Peoria. The Galaxy used to play some early round games in Fullerton. Kansas City used to play in a suburb.

    For games like these, it sometimes makes more sense to play at a smaller stadium somewhere in your market because these games don't draw well and you often have very little time to sell them. Teams can spin it as "taking the team out into the community" or whatever.

    In Orlando's case - which is what we were talking about - whatever they pay in rent for the Citrus Bowl would ridiculous to part with for a game like this. And, no, it's not a case of them having ownership problems. Lots and lots of teams have done it.
  21. Bluesfan

    Bluesfan Member+

    DC United
    Aug 12, 2000
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    Moderator, can you please keep this thread on topic instead of letting a certain idiot turn it into a flame war with the OC people? It would be nice to have one productive conversation on these boards that doesn't degenerate into an ignorant pissing contest.
  22. WhiteStar Warriors

    Mar 25, 2007
    FC Tampa Bay Rowdies
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    what flame war asking questions about the use of CB is a valid question.
  23. Macsen

    Macsen Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 5, 2007
    Orlando City SC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The problem is you are always so facetious with your comments that nobody believes you're doing anything but trolling anymore.

    But to answer your question, I believe there is something in the USSF's regulations regarding venue size limits at the U.S. Open Cup in early-round matches. We fans had to bitch at management last year to get our first-round match moved from Rollins College to UCF. We vindicated that by getting 1,139 there instead of Cahall-Sandspur's limit of 500.
  24. Bluesfan

    Bluesfan Member+

    DC United
    Aug 12, 2000
    DC United
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    Facetious really isn't the right word, that implies actual intent to humorous or not serious. And I believe he is very serious about what he says. I believe that obtuse is a better description.
  25. kenntomasch

    kenntomasch Member+

    Sep 2, 1999
    Out West
    FC Tampa Bay Rowdies
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Never heard that, nor do I know why there would be. I would think common sense would be the only thing putting a cap on it.

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