Robot grunts ready for some ass kicking (shlt from Robocop becomes reality)

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by Soju Gorae, Dec 2, 2004.

  1. Soju Gorae

    Soju Gorae New Member

    It's gonna suck ass for anyone getting sent to the great beyond by a toaster with wheels and a freakin' gat attached to it.

    I'm envisioning slackers with a penchant for doritos, pepsi, and doom games behind the control of those things in the future. Iraq has become a playground to test new military hardware. Isn't that nice!


    More Robot Grunts Ready for Duty

    By Noah Shachtman

    02:00 AM Dec. 01, 2004 PT

    ORLANDO, Florida -- Hunting for guerillas, handling roadside bombs, crawling across the caves and crumbling towns of Afghanistan and Iraq -- all of that was just a start. Now, the Army is prepping its squad of robotic vehicles for a new set of assignments. And this time, they'll be carrying guns.

    As early as March or April, 18 units of the Talon -- a model armed with automatic weapons -- are scheduled to report for duty in Iraq. Around the same time, the first prototypes of a new, unmanned ambulance should be ready for the Army to start testing. In a warren of hangar-sized hotel ballrooms in Orlando, military engineers this week showed off their next generation of robots, as they got the machines ready for the war zone.

  2. DutchOven

    DutchOven Red Card

    Nov 16, 2004
    Apparently the top 1% of America's Army MMOG players will pilot these things.
  3. fishbiproduct

    fishbiproduct New Member

    Mar 29, 2002
    Pasadena Ca.
    Until they get to and kill John Connors, these machines are
    So there.
  4. dfb547490

    dfb547490 New Member

    Feb 9, 2000
    The Heights
    Terrorist-hunting robots > giant spiders
  5. NoodlesMacintosh

    NoodlesMacintosh New Member

    Aug 24, 2004
    Salt Lake City
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I'm just amazed they got something so small to effectively handle the recoil of the ordinance it utilizes.
  6. Mel Brennan


    Paris Saint Germain
    United States
    Apr 8, 2002
    Paris Saint Germain FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    And even then John Connor would foment the resistance.
  7. 352klr

    352klr Member+

    Jan 29, 2001
    The Burgh of Edin
  8. michael greene

    Oct 31, 2002
    How long before some genius gets the idea of marketing civilian versions of these to paranoid gated-community living suburbanites?
  9. Daksims

    Daksims New Member

    Jun 27, 2001
    Johnny 5!!

    Your mother was a snowblower.
  10. Matrim55

    Matrim55 Member+

    Aug 14, 2000
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    This thread as already been a treasure trove of great one-liners. I commend all of you.

    And let me be the first to welcome our new robot overlords...

  11. DutchOven

    DutchOven Red Card

    Nov 16, 2004
    The manufacturer, irobot, is the company that makes the Roomba, and mini-versions of those treaded platform robots are going to be the next "modable" tech toy in the next year or two.

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