Robinho pode reforçar o Benfica já em Janeiro, segundo noticia a imprensa brasileira. O jogador do Santos está na mira dos encarnados e, de acordo com os jornais paulistas, deverá ser observado amanhã por dois empresários ligados ao clube da Luz no jogo com o São Paulo, relativo ao Brasileirão. Colocado perante o eventual interesse em Robinho, o responsável pelo futebol benfiquista, José Veiga, afirmou que os encarnados não têm nesta altura meios financeiros para poderem adquirir o internacional brasileiro. "O Benfica não tem disponibilidade para contratar um jogador como Robinho", frisou a Record, que desmentiu mesmo quaisquer contactos nesse sentido. O responsável do clube português adoptou, no entanto, um discurso diferente quando confrontado com um possível empréstimo do Chelsea, clube que está interessado no atleta e que, num cenário obviamente especulativo, talvez pudesse cedê-lo temporariamente aos encarnados como fez com Alcides. "Não sei nada sobre isso, mas se existir alguém que pretenda comprá-lo e emprestá-lo, nós agradecemos." Certo é que o Santos pouco ou nada poderá fazer para ficar com Robinho durante muito mais tempo. "Infelizmente, não vamos conseguir segurar o Robinho", admite Mario Mello, responsável pelo departamento jurídico do clube santista. "Quando chegar a hora ele vai sair. É só aparecer uma boa proposta", acrescenta. O dirigente brasileiro compara a situação de Robinho, que juntamente com Diego, agora no FC Porto, foi um dos grandes responsáveis pela conquista do Brasileirão em 2002, à de outros ídolos que recentemente deixaram o Brasil para jogar na Europa. "É exactamente o mesmo caso do Kaká e do Luís Fabiano. Negócio é negócio." De resto, o Santos já fez o possível para tentar segurar o jogador. Prolongou o contrato por mais um ano, até 2008, e aumentou substancialmente o salário. Concorrência Nesta altura, não faltam concorrentes à aquisição de Robinho. Entre eles, o PSV Eindhoven. Segundo a imprensa brasileira, o técnico do clube holandês, Gus Hiddink, esteve recentemente na Vila Belmiro, onde assistiu ao empate entre o Santos e o Corinthians. Os responsáveis do PSV terão mesmo feito uma proposta no valor de sensivelmente 10 milhões de euros (dois milhões de contos), oferta considerada demasiado baixa pela Direcção do clube brasileiro que nem sequer quis discutir o assunto.
There were many other teams also going for Diego and Fabiano. I was surprised Porto was able to get both of them. So you never know, Benfica may yet surprise us with Robinho.
Benfica got money, they had opportunity to sell players like Miguel and they refused the only reason they sold Tiago was because he didn't get along with VEIGA They still got the Tiago money without been use
Good point, but you never know. They are only going for one player not two of the caliber of Diego and Fabiano.
I like Mendes, Rossato was still questionable, but I agree on Postiga, taken a lot time away from Hugo Almeida
Mendes was a HUGE mistake by Don Pinto, hes a hardworking midfielder, and thats something we need now. Porto has too much "circus players" right now, we cant just depend on the individual talent of Quaresma or Carlos Alberto.
Robinho has been courted by big teams all over Europe, and no offense to Benfiquistas in here, SLB just doesn't have the 12 or 15 million Euros that will be needed to get him. NOw, if they sell Luisao and Petit they may be able to get the cash needed to get him, but that means offloading 2 key players that start every game to get a youngster who can score goals. With Sokota, Gomes, Karadas and Simao, and also Mantorras if/when he comes back, is Robinho needed that much on SLB? Me thinks not...but what do I know?
Benica sold Tiago 12 million, about 1,5 pr 2 million for Armando, benfica also had about 10 million from other years, and the sell of stock shares benfica won about 50 million,a nd don't forget that Abramovich is always here to help us
If Benfica believes Robinho is worth the investment, they can come up with the money to buy him. I agree that Robinho, who I think is one of the better young players in the world, may not be a player Benfica needs at the moment. Then again, if Benfica can work out a good deal with Santos, maybe they should get him. Anyways, this is probably rumors that the newspapers print, there's nothing concrete yet.
Wow... This is almost typical to come out sometime WAY before the winter transfer session. It's almost become a tradition. [Examples]: "Rui Costa to Benfica" "Rui Costa to Benfica... FOR FREE" "[Enter Random Over-Rated Brasileiro Here] to Benfica" "[Enter Random Over-Rated Brasileiro Here]'s father is a Benfica supporter"
I agree. Any player that likes to bump himself up, all he had to say is that BEnfica is interested. Porto will get Robinho and lend him to another team
Santos as already refused a few offers for Robinho. There is no way Benfica can come up with that kind of money right now. Our management is more interested in getting nobodys like Everson than getting real young talent anyway. Another rumour to keep the mill going.
are u sure? was a brazilian friend that lives in Rio de Janeiro that told me that ne, two days before the portuguese media report it, so the brazilian media already knew that new
Portuguese side Benfica might attempt an improbable alliance with Jose Mourinho’s Chelsea in order to sign Santos starlet Robinho. Benfica’s general manager Josè Veiga has admitted the club doesn’t have sufficient funds needed to sign the Santos player, but is open to the possibility that the player is bought by the English giants and then loaned out to Benfica for a season or two. ”I don’t know if Chelsea are willing to do this, but if there is this possibility, we would welcome it;” he said. Santos are requesting more than 10 million Euros for their player, as earlier this month they rejected a PSV bid of precisely that amount. However, when the correct offer comes in, they will gladly let the player go. “Unfortunately we are unable to keep Robinho for much longer. When the right offer will come in, he will be sold,” said Mario Mello, a member of the Santos management. In addition to Benfica and PSV, also Inter, Roma, and Juventus are tracking the player