It's nearly go time people. Here's the deal. I'll be getting to RFK around 10:30 am to set up our section. I believe the gates open at 11:00 We've been offically shut out of Section 120, the USA's home at RFK. But we're going to take it over. I figure if enough of us show up, it will be ours. La Norte is bringing the whole effin show, and those of you who've seen it know how impressive it is. We'll have confetti, toilet paper, drums, banners, flags and lots of noise. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave your seats and come join us. Just follow the sound of the drum. If you can show up early and help me set up, great. I can use all the help I can get. Even though our Fed has sold us out, we must rise above and support our team though thick and thin. Our team needs us. It's up to every one of us to will the women over the top in this critical game. Will you stand up and be counted? Sachin