Revs - United Post Game

Discussion in 'New England Revolution' started by goyette82, Jul 27, 2002.

  1. goyette82

    goyette82 Member

    Jan 16, 2000
    Lowell, Ma
    Lucky win. DC dominated us the last 80 minutes or so. What the hell was Nicol doing starting Fuller again. Rooney still made too many mistakes. Nice to have LLammossa back. Hopefully after allstar break our defense will have Rusty and the new defender Kantue. 3 points is 3 points. That's what really counts.
  2. johnh00

    johnh00 Member

    Apr 25, 2001
    CT, USA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I didn't get the game in CT. Another stinker? At least the defense appears to have held up a bit better. And we got the three points so we can be strung on a bit more... ;)

    What was our lineup, and how did everyone play? Did Olsen get in the game for DC?

  3. MouseyTongue

    MouseyTongue New Member

    Feb 16, 2001
    a box in the Chairma
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Originally posted by johnh00
    I didn't get the game in CT. Another stinker? At least the defense appears to have held up a bit better.

    Oh no, the defense was completely outplayed for long stretches at time. It is purely and simply that DC just don't have any way to finish. They outshot the Revs and barely challenged Brown. But to be fair, Brown did have a good game.

    And we got the three points so we can be strung on a bit more... ;)

    Now that is true. I, for one, will not let the three points fool me. It has been said that the Revs make you look good, well DC made the Revs look good today.

    What was our lineup, and how did everyone play? Did Olsen get in the game for DC?

    Starters were: Brown, Franchino, Llamosa, Hernandez, Heaps, Cullen, Rooney, Cloutier, Ralston, Fuller, Twellman. Chacon came on for Fuller near the end of the first half. Wolde came on (and turned invisible) for Cloutier in the second.

    I'd say Llamosa had a steady, very good game. Ralton and Twellman were pretty much shut down. I thought Chacon did a nice job leading counters and as said earlier Brown had a good game in goal. Otherwise I wouldn't say anyone was remarkable.

    Olsen did get about 30 minutes and looked dangerous. He was replaced by Pope who played as a forward!
  4. moacir

    moacir New Member

    Feb 16, 1999
    Figueira da Foz, PT
    Other points

    •Leo Cullen had some 3 very important saves

    •Rusty may be back for the next game but Joey will be out with too many yellows.

    • If TnT played for DC it would have been 1x5 because I could not believe he would have lost all those chances.

    • Best caption: When SN was asked what he and Hudson had talked " I don't understand him and he doesn't understande me."
  5. goyette82

    goyette82 Member

    Jan 16, 2000
    Lowell, Ma
    Can someone please merge the 3 post game threads, so we can just have one
  6. Blathist

    Blathist New Member

    Aug 21, 2001
    That just won't be possible. :)
  7. Blathist

    Blathist New Member

    Aug 21, 2001
    Well, at least we're in fourth place (it's better than last). Now all we have to do is win the rest of our games and we'll continue to move up, that can't be that hard, right? :)

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