I wonder how much they are looking at the MLS business model? NEW COMPANY TO REPLACE SOCCER AUSTRALIA New body to replace Soccer Australia - ABC Lowy confirms ASA to replace Soccer Australia - TribalFootball
Isn't (or wasn't) Soccer Austrailia their governing body, basically the Aussie version of the USSF? I thought the NSL was the actual league.
If they looked to the US for a structure, this wouldn't be the first time. The Australian Football League (Aussie Rules) went from a pretty-much regional organization to a full-blown national league and they were very up-front about imitating the NFL and the ideas of Pete Rozelle. The instituted a draft and a salary cap and I believe that most people would call it a success. There's been some instances of cheating on the salary cap but for the most part, it seems to be working. I guess the Aussie boards should buy some more hardware in preparation for all the chat about Single Entity.
I may be wrong, but I was under the impression they handled both the National Team and the League. (much like the FA in England)
I'm pretty sure that's what they do. I don't know how hands on they are in the league, however. Are they heavily involved in the day to day operations or strictly a governing body? All they really need to know from us is to find plenty of patient billionaires and pray for their health.
I think single entity has already been discussed for the NSL. I still wonder how that will work considering that some of their pro clubs "franchises" and some are "actual" clubs, many with ethnic identities and fan bases (Warning Chivas USA apologists!! ) Not to mention that their state league system, which proceeded their national league, seems to survive OK. I also assume that SA wasn't a non-profit, like US Soccer?
Soccer Australia takes more of an involved approach to soccer than the USSF or CSA does. They actually control soccer in the country. The problem with Soccer Australia is that concering a lack of money. Having to compete with several sports for funding doesn't help. This is why Australians were pushing so much for that OFC berth in the World Cup.