I'm not sure of the morality of any individuals' actions at this point, but I'm wondering if there are Democratic challengers in numbers similar at all to Republican challengers around the nation??? And if not, is that reflective at all of the supposed fact that if the vote really, REALLY gets out around the nation that it would be without question Democratic? That the Republicans, and particularly the neocon strain, are a hopeless minority that needs Hannity and Rush and the flex of its corporate progenitors to be propped up?
I'm waiting on voting in this poll until I can collect more data. I'll weigh in later tonight, after I get all the facts. I can say I didn't see any challengers at my voting place - but I live in a rich, white, predominantly Republican suburb.
I do not see anything wrong with it. The more sets of eyes the better. Also, why ask such a biased question? If you really want to know what people think why propose such a loaded proposition?
These aren't election monitors - they are there to challenge individual voters to prove they are allowed to vote. Which is insane - the poll workers already have registered voter infomation in the rolls you have to sign before they hand you a ballot. I probably would've gotten into a fight with a challenger had I seen one challenging someone, even if it wasn't me.
Almost as "insane" as the Dems Patron Saint huh Foosinho? I suppose you might be alarmed if you found out that Republicans were actually stationing cameras outside of polling places and filming voters? I bet you would be livid! Well, it turns out that is precisely what is being done...but not Republicans! "...stationing hundreds of people with video cameras outside polling stations...." http://www.michaelmoore....stnews/index.php?id=274 Yup... it's fatso himself! Angry Foosinho? Go ahead and attempt to justify Moore's actions! IntheNet Bush/Cheney in 2004 GO DC United
Not really. I don't see how filming people walking in or out of a polling area would intimidate someone from voting. It's documenting the process, not interfering with it. Plus, it's outside. You have zero information on how someone chose to vote, unless they are asked. And, they have no obligation to answer. Well, if your link worked I could actually read the page that's got you all riled up. Despite what you might believe, I actually think honest and fair elections are vitally important. The more observers, the better. More people trying to convince people they aren't eligible to vote? Not better.
You know, I've seen lots of video outside polling stations . . . by the TV networks!!!! For shame!!!!!!
The crap that is going on in Ohio with the "challengers" is a joke. The law that allows it is over 51 years old and has never been used before in an election, because it really isn't needed. The fact it is being used now reeks of desperation from a certain party. Whatever the result, I can assure you that the "challenger" provision will be eliminated from state law before the next election. There are already 2 Republican & 2 Democratic workers that sit and check people in at each precint polling station and can question or requite more information from the voter, there is no need for MORE people.
I thought of two different ways to show how this post is trying to compare unlike things. I find it as deplorable as a climnot heabing a gurain.
I voted yes because I did vomit a bit this morning, but I don't know if it was because I'm sick or if I'm sick because of Republicans.