Snoring outside the referee tent after a pizza lunch? Never mind, I was thinking of someone else. I'll be sad to miss going to that tournament.
Let me re-phrase that. I'm the not so skinny guy in the hat. I've got the picture to prove that it wasn't me.
I'm already there! Ok, so I live in Greenville, so yeah. I'll be reffing the tournament and excited that we get to host. I drove by the fields the other day while house-hunting and they look FANTASTIC. Nice and green. Weather alert for all the refs coming - we got rain yesterday and it's been pouring on and off this morning. We are predicted to get rain the next 2-3 days right up to the first games Friday. Definitely bring your studs and the fields could be quite water logged the first day or two. Temps are in the mid-80s with high humidity. Weather report this morning showed humidity above 90% and this rain won't help that statistic. The hotel is about 10-15 minutes away from the field, basically straight down the road, only one turn once you get out of the hotel parking lot. HOWEVER, the road goes down to two lanes, one in each direction. I'm not exactly sure where the ref tent will be, but give yourself an extra ten minutes in case the traffic is as backed up as I think it might be. There are many fast-food and sit-down restaurants at the exit where the hotel is located: Five Guys, Subway, Firehouse Subs up to On the Border (Mexican), California Dreaming, and a high-end steakhouse called Chophouse 47. One exit down on Woodruff Rd there are several more restaurants - Sticky Fingers, Brixx Pizza, Chipotle, Cheddars and many more. Downtown Greenville, which is very walkable, has many restaurants too and is about 15 minutes from the Hotel - another Sticky Fingers, wild Wing Cafe, Barleys Pizza and Taproom (tons of beer choices), Sushi places, and many more. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or respond to this post. I'll do my best to respond quickly. Oh, can't believe I forgot this - there is a Buffalo Wild Wing on Woodruff, literally 5 minutes from the hotel, which I've found a great place to watch football in case you want to catch the USA qualifiers or the EURO championships. See you boys there.
Ummm, from Mesa, because it's kinda far from the highway, it would take about 25 minutes. From the hotel you would take 85S (the hotel is right off the I-85) for 8 miles (about 6-7 minutes) take Mauldin Rd left to River Rd (3-4 miles, about 6 minutes). Go left on River Rd, maybe half a mile and it's on your right, pretty easy to spot, about a minute. I'd say in total you're looking at 15 minutes depending on time of day. If you're going between the two field locations DO NOT take Woodruff Rd. It will take you easily 10 minutes longer. Hopefully the higher-ups will not put you on an "8-o'clock" at MESA and then a "12-o'clock" at Wenwood because you would be cutting it close. Woodruff Rd. is the bane of our existence down here so don't go on it if you're in a time crunch.
Don't know how to print screen this from a Mac, but here is the URL. This is from the Hotel to MESA, 15 minutes and then from MESA to Wenwood using backroads - 40 minutes. I think you could make it faster than that, but being from out of town it may be harder too. The easiest route would be to go back to the hotel and just before you get there hop on I-85 and go to Mauldin Rd., like I mentioned about. I'll post a Hotel to Wenwood map URL in just a moment.
Hotel to Wenwood - says 18 minutes, but you can make it faster than that.
Let me preface this by saying I am not in any of the high-up discussions so this is just an assumption on my part. The state of South Carolina, or better said our SC association, has purchased four Ref-Talk units. The Upstate association (mine) recently purchased a fifth and an individual member of the lower-state has his own personal Ref-Talk unit. It would be my expectation that all of these units will be available for this tournament. I do not know how they will be used, whether they will go to SC refs' games first or whether the Region will dictate which games will have them, but I would expect them to be used throughout the tournament. One of the cooler things you can do with these is allow the assessor to listen in on the communication so not only will he be able to watch your performance but also better understand your decisions which makes feedback even more useful. Again, I do not know if the Region will sanction the use of the devices or in what capacity but I full expect these to be used for Regionals.
From what I've told, Regionals has been described as a "referee contest" and for that reason, very few people will be using Ref Talk or beeper flags. Not saying that I agree or don't wish I could use all the cool toys, but that's just what I've been told.
What do you mean by "contest"? I've gotten to use it probably 20 times, maybe more, and it is incredibly helpful. In a way it makes it easier, the ability to confer with your assistants in an instant, but on the other hand you still have to remember the basics. And again, the ability of the assessor to listen in really makes feedback even more useful because the assessor knows your thought process through listening to the conversation. My question to those who would say not to use them would be "if it clearly works in every big league around the world, why not use in the youth game too, when you have the opportunity?"
I 100% agree that we should use them because they are very helpful and they are used everywhere. However I was just telling you that they weren't used when I was there for the first time last year. The reasoning for this was that you are a better referee if you can ref without the "assistance" of these devices. Not saying I agree with it. Just telling you how it was.
No, I get what you're saying. I agree with you. Especially when you get to college or pro ball, you need systems like this as there is a ton of stuff going on and for the crew to communicate instantly is a huge help. Why not use them in high-level youth games too, again, once the basics have been instilled? usaref - what state will you be representing? First Regionals?
Maybe they want us to "prove ourselves" first or something. Andy would know if they are used in later rounds or at Nationals. I will be representing Tennessee. I was local support (work as AR during preliminary games and that's it) last year when Regionals were in Murfreesboro. I was surprised, like you, that no one used Ref Talk or beeper flags when I was there.
I spoke to Ryan last week and he said that referees WILL be allowed to use electronic aids; flags and radios. That said, and I've counselled my guys the same, standard mechanics MUST come first. And be prepared to have the use of the tools pulled if someone screws up because they got lazy.
I think this is key. There are plenty of inexperienced referees who have never used this technology before and think that RefTalk gives them a free pass not to work their hardest. It's merely a supplementary tool that can be very handy at times, but it's certainly not meant to be a primary source of communication.
Does anyone know where the back-up fields are in the event that the weather turned for the very worst?
Don't know if we have any lined up. That said, Pittman park is maybe 20 minutes from MESA, it has 5 fields I think, and lights. There is Brushy Creek soccer fields, but if the rain messed up the other fields then BC will be a mud pit too. Herd Klotz park, but it only has two fields. Southside Park has four fields I think but only one or two are in good shape consistently. We have a lot of fields in the area, enough to cover games if we get stormed out. However, the weather for the most important days, Friday thru Sunday, looks favorable. I don't anticipate having to move games.
I only ask because last year in Murfreesboro, some games were moved to other local fields. However, I know that Decatur, AL was going to be used if it had rained much more and I did hear Ryan and others discussing when a move would have to happen.
Sorry to write so many posts but I'm trying to keep different topics separate so details don't get lost. I heard and advert today for the Adidas Warehouse sale in Spartanburg, SC, about 20-25 minutes north of Greenville and the hotel. The sale runs the 14th thru the 17th, Thurs - Sat 10a-7p and Sun 10a-6p. Address: 5675 N. Blackstock Rd., Spartanburg, SC, 29303. We stopped there on our trip to RTS and got some great steals. They have t-shirts, shorts, shoes, cleats, pretty much anything you want. Pretty good deals. Thought I'd pass that along.
You guys are very right about not forgetting the basics while using technology. We used our sets at Fall State Cup, U15-U19, for the very first time, we knew nothing of them that morning. Even though that was the first time any of us had used it, grades 6 thru 8, no one seemed to have problems. That's not to say they won't come up, but I think if you're at Regionals you shouldn't have a problem adapting. I think most will be excited to use them, especially rising 6s and 5s as they will be doing high-level pro games which will be using this technology going forward.