Yep you guessed it.. UEFA have appointed a muppet referee for the Turkey game.None other than Kim Nielsen of Denmark himself.I had a gut feeling it was gonna be him. Obviously it wasnt gonna be colina or some other respected ref... I bet the turk who is high up in UEFA helped handpick nielsen.. They sat down and tried to think of a ref who has a history of giving bad decisions against english teams and they come up with nielsens name no doubt... if there was any doubts of a fit up before there aint any doubts now... If we end up in the playoffs dont be surprised if we get spain or holland...
Kim Milton is a great referee. One of the best in the world. What bad decisions has he made against english teams, other than the red card he gave to Beckham?
dodgy penalty against leeds in the champions league... sent off thiery henry for arsenal in the uefa cup.A real shockingly bad decision. there are probably more examples that I cant think of right now. Nielsen is an erratic ,unreliable ref who is liable to give a bad decision.. I can just imagine basturk winning countless free kicks by diving around. he aint the kind of cool head that is needed for such a tense clash.
Oh for goodness sake.... Nielson is a very poor referee, I can't believe they've done this. Why is this guy still being given games? Every time I've seen him he's been mediocre at best and occasionally dreadful. Very inconsistent in his decisions and always breaks under pressure, which makes him all the more unsuitable for this sort of game. Surely they could have gone with the german Marcus Merk (sp), Collina or one of the other top refs.... but I think it's clear UEFA wants to make things difficult for us. *#*#*#*#*#*#*#s. I'll love it even more if we win now.
12 vs. 11 aint gonna be easy. not to mention the crowd . We'll have to be at very top form to claim the right result in this game. we wont get any favours off nielsen thats for sure.
Little early for the excuses innit lads? Fuck the referee ... if we can't go to Turkey and get a draw then we don't deserve an automatic spot in Portugal. The Turks were going to be diving around like little girls in any case, so the identity of the ref makes no odds on that score. Shit stinks coz it's brown, after all. Nielsen will give dodgy decisions to both sides, because he is a bit of an idiot.
Don't get me wrong, I still think England will get the result even if Big Bird from Sesame Street was the one with the whistle, and if they lose it will be because they tossed it away. But I'd rather see the players play the game without the inevitable irritating drama this muppet ref will provide. I know him, he's a shocker. He's one of those refs who likes to make himself the centre of attention, the best refs are always those who are disciplined but don't try and interfere in the game or buckle under pressure.
oh dear. not that complete idiot who single handedly knocked england outa the world cup in 98 by sending off becks and disallowing a perfectly good campbell goal against argentina
It is true. It is in most danish newspapers. He was injured today in a danish league game. Yep, it's true Thank god for that, last thing we want is an idiot like him ruining a game like this. Get Collina!! Someone who can handle pressure and be fair to both teams, not some idiot Dane who wants to make himself the centre of attention all the time. Yep, top class Just a shame they didn't appoint him in the first place.
It should have been this way in the first place. Collina has the respect where he can have control of the match. I look forward to the game and might have to cough up $20 for the match(its freakin sentena). Go England!
Collina knows how to run a game, he can let it flow beautifully and can keep things clean and even. The man is unsurpassed and I am delighted to see him in charge, win or lose it will be a very good game indeed.
Ya ever notice how the diving and other trickery ceases when Collina is the referee? Perhaps he should do more ManUre matches in order for VanNoodlehead to stay on his feet.
Actually Collina either missed a big dive by Sukur or chose to ignore it. Some could argue that Rustu should have been red carded. There are two good reasons why he should have pulled out the red: 1) Clear intent to foul hard (kick in the chest) 2) Rustu was the LAST MAN- this reason is more concrete for a red card. But Collina did the right thing by no issueing a red card. If he had, things could have got out of control, for sure.
The Rustu foul was terrible. It looked like a kick in the HEAD not the chest. I thought it was a definite red, but you're right, it might have pushed things over the edge. Also, the fact that he did get the ball might have saved him. Suker's dive deserved a yellow, but Collina doesn't bother booking, he just ignores diving.
The reason why he didn't send Rustu off is I think because he didn't send the other English player off for kicking another Turkish player with the sole of his right foot literally a minute ago. He overlooked that one but when Rustu did that he realised he had to stop it there before the interplayer violence took over. Nevertheless, I found the performance of my fellow Turkish players below par, in fact mediocre at times. I wish they shut the fekk up in the past a few weeks and got on with their work. If they can't beat an England team like this one, I don't know what the point of going to Euro2004 is. I'd actually blame the manager Senol Günes for this pathetic performance. I'd prefer a loss against England with our young players like Gökdeniz and Tuncay, than getting a draw with dead donkeys like Hakan Sükür and Sergen fekkin' Yalçin. I mean, what's that beer gut hanging out for God's sakes? Did Günes forget to put his specs on? Fekkin' OAPs... Also credit where it's due, England guys were on the ball despite all that turmoil they have been through last week. They've dona a nice clean job, good on them. Thanks to Becks for cleaning the roof from pigeon invasion, I don't think that a bird will get nearer to that roof for a good few months. He set the standards so high that it won't feel safe up there anymore. I hope our guys learn a lesson from tonight's encounter. So who do we have to beat now? Latvia? Scotland? No, that'd be too hard. Bring on Spain... or Netherlands. Whatever. Even Greece is going to Portugal straight now. Oh, by the way, sorry for ranting, this was English NT forum. I'll scarce myself. Did I say "congrats"?
You just did. The rant was fair and not at all out of place. I thought Rustu should have got a red, but your argument is good. I see on BBC that Collina (to get back to the topic) called Beckham and Alpay at halftime -- presumably into the referees' dressing room -- to tell them to knock their nonsense off; the game was too big for such silliness. Good on him.
I still can't believe Butt stayed on the pitch after that tackle, still can't workout why he did it, perhaps he was thinking "damn, if we don't lose this i'm not going to get another game this year..."