funny think is i plucked it off a bar friend of mine who bought it years ago because he thought it looked cool. said friend is a wizards fan and is a XXL.
I think that was our best looking Away Jersey ever - It just wasn't a "White" version of our normal "Black" - It had its own distinctive design and flair while retaining the Three Stripes that we had come to assume meant DC United (even though everyone else knows it only as "Adidas") - And the embossed Eagle was just awesome
I love my "Speed Racer" jersey, though why it wasn't called the "Thunder Chicken" jersey is beyond me.
How ironic it is to see the above masterpiece in juxtaposition with the new USMNT disaster jersey to the left (on the Clint Dempsey ad).
Love that jersey. As I recall we affecionatly called it the "Rally Stripe Jersey". Detractors called it the "Tire Track" or "Road Kill Jersey".
I have Lassiter's 1998 Interamerican Cup jersey from the "away" game in Fort Lauderdale. It's my most-prized piece of DC United memorabilia.
I had never seen that jersey before (it was before my time of following soccer). That's actually one of the sweetest jerseys I've ever seen.