Posobiec? For real? ‘Nuff said. BTW, anyone remember Christine O’Donnell? She was a Tea-Party member (remember them?) and ran for Senate a few times against Carper and Biden in Delaware. No problem with the GOP nomination, because even though she was a Looney Tune, no serious Republican wanted the nomination because it was a sure fire loss all day long. Anyway, she caused an upset after Biden was made VP and he vacated his Senate seat. Now real Republicans were interested because there was a chance. But she beat Mike Castle for the nomination and ran against Chris Coons. Bill Maher released a clip of an old episode where she told of dabbling in witchcraft. So she had to answer. Releasing an excruciatingly embarrassing video where she solemnly declared, “I am not a witch”. It was parodied, sent up, derided and all around guffawed at. “I am not a witch” became shorthand for a campaign blowing up with an excruciating appeal that I am normal. I see JD Vance has declared that he and Lumpy are just 2 normal guys, that “we’re not weird”. Christine must be finally getting paid work from the GOP again, I suppose.
Gone Phishing. The Trump campaign reportedly told Politico that the team experienced a hack after the news outlet started receiving what appeared to be internal communications from an anonymous individual by email. Among the items the outlet says it received was a "dossier" on Trump's running mate, J.D. Vance. it’s believed to have originated in Iran.
At the risk of pissing off my US pals on here .... The vast majority of performances of the US National Anthem are dreadful, simply dreadful. To me, the performers end up disrespecting it not honouring it. I don't know what the musical term is, but when they repeat / elongate / run the scales on almost every note they sing, it ends up to be a "Hey look at me! I can use 5 notes where the originals score only used one!" display of vocal gymnastics. AFAIK the people who sing anthems of other countries rarely - if ever - do this. just keep it simple! way more powerful that way I think.
These performances are all about the performers, not about the anthem so you're absolutely right in reacting this way. Unlistenable, usually. Now that brings me to the most inspiring rendition of a national anthem I've ever heard - listening to Roger Doucet belt out O Canada at the old Forum before a Canadiens game. Wow. The game was an after thought.
Another thought: Best national anthem that never was: I Am, You Are, We Are Australian, sung by The Seekers. When Judith Durham lets loose its stunning.
Yes, Judith had quite the voice. I had a copy of her “Leaving of Liverpool” some 50 years ago. RIP Judy.
Don’t get me going on the English anthem. A sickly embarrassing dirge to Charlie and his Rottweiler. Should have been changed to Land of hope and Glory in the 19th century. But even that doesn’t fit any more. Even if those hitting the beaches on rubber rafts think it does.
I don't like the English anthem either. I'd rather have Jerusalem but for me nothing beats the French anthem.
https://www.propublica.org/article/inside-project-2025-secret-training-videos-trump-election Someone leaked 14 hours of Project 2025 training videos. I haven't had a chance to watch yet, but I have read multiple chapters of the document, and it's as bad as historians have been saying. Kevin Roberts overplayed his hand.
wasn't land of Hope and Glory written by Elgar? I think it's part of that God-awful annoyance Pomp & Circumstance suite? That thing they play at Graduations. Maybe I'm wrong on that - the old Jeopardy recall memory that I used to annoy family and friends with isn't as sharp as it once was..... Anyway, if it was Elgar it was probably a 20th century piece as I remember seeing a documentary on him and how he was nearing 50 and the Victorian century had nearly ended before anyone took any notice of him or he had any success.
I think it should be Greensleeves, personally...... Maybe change a few words to make it more a patriotic thing.....
He'll have to drop one - being only capable of keeping 4 words connected in his mind at the same time....
I think there’s an awful lot more going on than Roberts overplaying his hand. The whole of MAGAland has overplayed its hand lately. I’m not talking about the garden variety Mitch McConnell GOPers who always have been dubious or hostile to Lumpy. (Yes, I know McConnell says he’s voting the ticket). But those inside the cult, those paying fealty to Lumpy and indeed, obviously Lumpy himself have all way overstepped the mark, certainly since March, probably before. To quote the old adage, they have been measuring the drapes for the Oval Office. It has been more “when we get into power…” rather than “if…”. And then they have made the groupthink mistake of thinking that because everyone inside the tent believes the crap, all those outside the tent can hardly wait to drink the KoolAid. But as the MAGAites are discovering, actions have consequences. So sure, overturn Roe, but you’re going to lose a huge bloc of voters. Sure, talk up the Tangerine Cheeto as dictator for life, and you’ll find another bloc of voters who won’t return. Tell Christian Nationalists that they won’t have to vote again post 2024 and people will start to pay attention. When you then insert in the mix the never ending crap about stolen elections, deep state, malicious prosecution and so on, people just get tired. Regardless of how much I despise Lumpy, trying to be as unbiased as I can, I can’t help thinking that were he to win, the next 4 years (or longer!) would be 4 years of perpetual victimhood and retribution. “They done me wrong, but I’m gettin’ em now”. MAGA land can never get enough, but for the rest of the country, I think they’ve overplayed their hand and peaked too soon. We shall see.
nice little story ..... A popular street cleaner who was unable to go on a crowdfunded holiday due to his waste firm employer’s rules on accepting gifts will get to go on the trip after all thanks to a loophole. When more than 200 residents of Beckenham, south-east London, raised almost £3,000 to send road sweeper Paul Spiers on a summer break to Portugal, it seemed like an example of neighbourly generosity. But Veolia, the waste management company employing Spiers, 63, said he could not take the money because staff were prohibited from accepting “gifts or incentives” due to its contract with Bromley council. The street cleaner has now been given the green light for a trip abroad after the travel company On the Beach ran a “competition” for a holiday for which the entry requirements were: you must love Elvis, be between the ages of 62 and 64, have a surname of Spiers, be a street cleaner in Beckenham and be loved by your local community. Unsurprisingly, Spiers won. Veolia has allowed him to accept the “prize” of a £3,000 holiday voucher, the Times reported. A representative for Veolia said: “We understand that Paul has won a competition and we can confirm that we have no objection to him accepting his win. We are very grateful for the support and recognition shown by the community to Paul, who, alongside a hardworking street cleansing team, does a fantastic job keeping Bromley’s streets clean.” Veolia has said it will match the amount of money raised by the public and donate it to a charity nominated by Spiers.
At which point Paul nominated the Spiers Charitable Foundation- which looks out for the welfare of people who must love Elvis, be between the ages of 62 and 64, have a surname of Spiers, be a street cleaner in Beckenham and be loved by their local community