Someone just u/l this torrent to MaXxed's site. A must have for all cules. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .
1st ... you need to register to that site ... this in order to have the d/l torrent prompt. To know how to do this... check this thread: http://www.********.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14 Or this other: http://www.********.com/forum/showthread.php?t=424 Enjoy. .
i'm downloading it right now. does anyone know if this was when cruyff was playing? what about the rest of the team?
Yep ... Cruyff was playing, along Peruvian Hugo Sotil ... and guess who was in Madrid's goal ---> Garcia Remon Here is the line-up: Date: February 17, 1974 REAL MADRID 0 - BARCELONA 5 R. Madrid: Garcia Remon, Morgado, Benito, Zoco, Rubinan, Pirri, Netzer, Velazquez, Aguilar (Santillana), Amancio, Macanas. Barcelona: Mora, Rife, Costas, De la Cruz, Torres, Juan Carlos, Rexach, Asensi, Cruyff, Sotil, Marcial (Tome). Goals: Asensi 2, Cruyff 1, Juan Carlos 1, Sotil 1. .
I will give you this tip ... Create a folder in "My Documents" ... call it "Football Downlaoads" or whatever you want to call it. Next to the game, you have the "torrent" ... right click the torrent and save as in the folder you created. Now ... you know where the torrent is. Go to the folder ... locate the torrent and double click it. It should automatically start the d/l for you. (Note: You need to have installed a bit torrent program too!!! ) The links I gave you peeps in my 1st posts should explain everything you need. There are plenty of seeders atm ... so the d/l should be pretty fast. .
Wow, this is a great quality video. I didn't expect it to look this good seeing as how it is so old. Thanks for bringing this to my attention vipnerd. I usually check that site, but I haven't done it in a while.
Check out the Barcelona Historia video too. It's very well done. See it here:
I has install Gspot but it work not on my computer.... Forget it i know it work not. But tahank for you will help.
I have downloaded a number of bit torrent files from this site, but I am having problems once the torrent is completed playing the movie. I have Divx installed but I am unable to get more than 10 seconds in to the movies. Does anyone have any clue why this might be the case, this problem also occure with movies i downloaded?????????
depends what youre using to watch the files. the most common answer would be you dont have the right codecs, i think thats what youre facing. theres a codec program called g-spot(yes, its a stupid name) that will tell for sure. get it from when you run the file with this, it will tell you whether your system is equipped to play it. if not, go here and look for the 4CC codec you need. that should fix your problem. if not, the problem could be with your system itself, or the video software you're using. try this first, in any case.