I don't know what prompted my to do this (perhaps nostalgia or boredom), but here goes.Ratings only apply to player's time while with the Fire, not while other clubs or national teams.Players who were just signed this year get a question mark.Players who only played one game receive an Inc. A-H A§4 Junior Agogo (had potential)§? Alex (we’ll see, he’s only played a couple of games)§6 Jalil Anibaba (so far, so good)§10 Chris Armas (Mr. Chicago Fire)B§2 John Ball (should have stayed indoors)§3 Mike Banner (strangely large head, could play several positions, just not very well)§4 Orr Barouch (should see more playing time)§4 Chad Barrett (Aaah! I still have nightmares about Chad Barrett)§2 Brian Bates (not enough playing time to rate, but did not deserve more)§8.5 DaMarcus Beasley (awesome with the Fire, should he come back?)§2 Jamar Beasley (light up another, Jamar!)§2 Pascal Bedrossian (worst Fire signing ever?)§? Austin Berry (so far, so very good)§9 Cuauhtémoc Blanco (our first, and best DP. A real star)§9 Carlos Bocanegra (awesome with the Fire, should he come back?)§Inc. Jonathan Bolaños (only got in a couple of games, if that)§3 Corben Bone (disappointing, but seems to have skills)§3 Tenywa Bonseu (only played two games, went to mediocre heights)§Inc. Alexandre Boucicaut (one of only two or three players I don’t remember at all)§9.5 C. J. Brown (Mr. Chicago Fire II)§3 Scott Buete (generic American player)§6.5 Jon Busch (restored the Fire’s faith in goal keeping)C§5 Samuel Caballero (played well…and then was gone)§5.5 Jorge Campos (all hype and colorful jerseys while with the Fire, but the first “Star”)§2 Craig Capano (is he STILL only 17, he seemed to be 17 for years)§4 Calen Carr (good trade bait for Oduro)§2 Chris Carrieri (horrible player, quickly returned indoors)§3 Nery Castillo (well, there were fireworks when he arrived, too bad none when he played)§5 Diego Cháves (had a chance to really shine with the Fire, would be happy to see him return)§Inc. Matt Chulis (Help me out, guys, who?-played only one game)§Inc. Denny Clanton (moving on)§7 Wilman Conde (most inconsistent player on the Fire, very good, could have been great)§5 Jon Conway (okay fill in goalie)§Inc. Scott Coufal † (only played one game)§3 D. J. Countess (not a good keeper)§3 Yamith Cuesta (had potential, but disappeared)§3 Jeff Curtin (riding his brother’s curls)§6 Jim Curtin (the Human Q-Tip actually was a pretty good player)D§4 Sergi Daniv (we tried with Ukranians, didn’t we?)§2 Stefan Dimitrov (not our best Bulgarian)§3 Paul Dougherty (he was a wee little Brit)§4 Andrew Dykstra (had a few moments as a keeper, but not many)E§3 Justin Evans (not even the Fire’s best player named Justin, and that is not saying much)F§3 Rodrigo Faria (we traded our coach, Bob Bradley, for this guy?)§Inc. Gabriel Ferrari (never caught on)§6 Tomasz Frankowski (most criminally underused player in Fire history)§3 Floyd Franks (did ever make an impact, even in a single game?)§? Arne Friedrich (so far, so good. I hope he anchors the defense until he retires, our new Kubik?)§2 Ryan Futagaki (a fun name to say, still see a few Futagaki jerseys at Toyota Park)G§6 Dan Gargan (came in and claimed his position. Serviceable right back)§3 Sam George (I vaguely remember him playing well a couple of times)§5.5 Cory Gibbs (injuries have really held him back, hope he gets healthy or retires)§6 Kelly Gray (versatile and great hair)§7 Sebastián Grazzini (‘sniff’ oh, what could be)§2 Leonard Griffin (nothing to see here)§6.5 Iván Guerrero (very good and versatile MF/D)§7 Diego Gutiérrez (love him or hate him, he played hard for the Fire, both times he was here)H§2 David Hayes (better than the boxer, I guess)§5 (overall) Andy Herron (good the first time he was with us, not so the second time)§5 Baggio Husidić (great potential, skilled, but could just quite read the game)
I-R I§Inc. Sumed Ibrahim (huh?)§3 Zak Ibsen (he thought he was going to be a star, one of my favorite playwright)J§4.5 Nate Jaqua (Nate the Tall, Nate the Not Very Good)§3 Collins John (Never really got over his injury and then was gone)§2 Will John ( I always get Will John, Ryan Johnson and Will Johnson confused)§2 Ryan Johnson (see above)§6.5 Sean Johnson (We will see if he have our next Zach Thornton or not)§3 Will Johnson (he was the good one, just not for the Fire)§? Hunter Jumper (got to like a guy with two action verbs for a name, looks good so far)K§2 Josh Keller (nothing to see here)§3 Stephen King (I never thought much of his playing or his novels, either)§4 Steven Kinney (injuries have taken their toll)§6.5 Frank Klopas (well, he did win the US Open Cup in 1998, Chicago legend)§2 Aleksey Korol (another Ukrainian experience, he only played one official game)§7.5 Roman Kosecki (Oh, the Polish triangle, Eastern Curtain, call it what you will, it was GREAT)§5 Ritchie Kotschau (played a lot early, and played well)§6 Dema Kovalenko (our Ukrainian who worked out, man he was hated around the league)§5 Krzysztof Król (should have stuck it out in Chicago, but Segares returned, so…)§9 Luboš Kubík (Lubos, come back as an assistant coach and teach the defense how to play)§2 Tony Kuhn (moving on)L§4 Manny Lagos (Man, I could not stand him, but I never know why I did not like him)§2 Andrew Lewis (handsome, as I recall)§7 Freddie Ljungberg (a sloppy second DP from Seattle, but he would still be a star today)§3 Peter Lowry (he was great in “M”, oh that was Peter Lorrie)M§2 Amos Magee (not famous Amos, by any stretch of the imagination)§2 David Mahoney (can’t say I remember him)§6.5 Justin Mapp (First 11 one year, hated other years, skilled but “lazy” in some eyes)§2 Marko Marić (worst money every spent, too bad, he was supposed to be great)§2 Líder Mármol (scraping the bottom here)§8 Jesse Marsch (Great professional, bled Fire red, should be coaching with the Fire)§2 Julio Martínez (had one good games, but nothing else)§6 Brian McBride (he is an American legend, and worked really hard for the Fire, but too few goals)§3 Bruno Menezes (have we ever had a decent Brazilian?)§5.5 Josip Mikulić (uneven, expensive, injury-prone, but skilled. Much happier with Friedrich)§2 Jerson Monteiro (never knew his name was Jerson)§Inc. Jared Montz (only played one game)§2 Jason Moore (very few memories)N§2 Cristian Nazarit (another colossal waste of money)§10+ Piotr Nowak (by FAR the best Fire player ever. I would welcome him as coach any day)§2 Mike Nugent (barely saw the field)§6.5 Patrick Nyarko (inconsistent, but our best assist man over the past few years)O§7.5 Dominic Oduro (some people hate him for missing goals, but he restored faith as a goal scorer)§6 Francis Okaroh (fragile, how old was he? Taught CJ, so that gets him points)§2 Willian Oliveira (see Menezes)P§4 Daniel Paladini (he plays quite a bit, I don’t know why)§7 Marco Pappa (skilled, annoying, can score goals, but can waste chance after chance)§6.5 Pável Pardo (very experienced, helped steady the midfield in 2011, slowed in 2012)§Inc. Davis Paul (only played one game)§5.5 Logan Pause (the most divisive player in Fire history? No offensive skills)§3 Orlando Perez (had one good goal, but nothing else memorable)§4 Matt Pickens (was he the one with the big beard?)§3 Brian Plotkin (another of the Fire’s skilled-challenged American midfielders)§6.5 Jerzy Podbrożny (he gets props for being one of the first team. God, those teams were good!)§5 Brandon Prideaux (never had a problem with him, servable defender)§Inc. Chad Prince (no idea who this is. Anyone have a clue?)§4.5 Gastón Puerari (he and Chaves could have made a good tandem, gone too soon)§? Federico Puppo (our current “DP”, teeny little guy, would like to see what he can do)R§7 Damani Ralph (great forward, had to go off the Russia and get himself injured)§9.5 Ante Razov (best Fire forward ever, top scorer by a long shot)§4 Ľubomír Reiter (played hard, but did not play enough)§2 Michael Richardson (I hate “Seinfeld” can’t comment on this guy, though)§3.5 Henry Ring (tall, that’s about it)§5 Bratislav Ristić (skilled, played hard, too bad he was cut)§? Rafael Robayo (still waiting to see why the Fire signed him)§5 Dasan Robinson (good defender, slowed by injuries)§7 Chris Rolfe (so, so glad to have him back, a real professional soccer player, but injury- prone)§2 Jordan Russolillo (nothing to see here)
S§3 Jorge Salcedo (only played a few games the first season)§4 Tony Sanneh (a very polarizing player. Excellent player, but not w/ the Fire)§6.5 Gonzalo Segares (great in his first stint, good now)§3 Dipsy Selolwane (great name, a real journeyman player)§2.5 Billy Sleeth (made an occasional impact, but not much)§3 Chris Snitko (hard to be Zach’s shadow, you don’t to get to play and Zach blocks out the Sun)§5 Tom Soehn (hard worker, not a good player, decent coach)§5 Mike Sorber (good professional, played well at times)§6 Bakary Soumaré (fight with Hamlett notwithstanding, a good, young defender)§Inc. Curtis Spiteri (no idea, what happened to him)§Inc. Dan Stebbins (see Spiteri, but I remember Stebbins’ name)§3 Jack Stewart (played well in a few games)§8 Hristo Stoichkov (one of the greatest. A true star, if only the Fire could have had him from 1998!)§5 Greg Sutton (the Fire’s best Canadian goal keeper)T§2 Osei Telesford (of all of the Osei’s on the Fire, he was the best)§5 Thiago (our “best” Brazilian player, but that’s not saying much)§9 Zach Thornton (Fire legend, Ring of Fire soon?)§6 John Thorrington (played with heart and energy, not injury-prone, injury-cursed)§3 Ryan Tinsley (had a couple of games, that was it)§? Paolo Tornaghi (been great when we have seen him)§2 Johnny Torres (only played a couple of games)U§2 Deris Umanzor (Ugh, could not have been gone soon enough)V§5 David Vaudreuil (good, though aging, fill-in player)§3 Michael Videira (he IS still on the team)W§3 Billy Walsh (played well when he had the chance)§4 Paulo Wanchope (had pedigree and had a couple of good games. His body was just worn out)§5.5 Tim Ward (professional soccer player, decent, but not great)§2 Austin Washington (never really had much of a chance)§4 Kwame Watson-Siriboe (KWS had skill, but did not develop enough)§4 Evan Whitfield (get tapes and watch Hristo deal with Evan)§6.5 Andy Williams (the Fire’s second playmaker, should have had a long career with the Fire)§7 Josh Wolff (precocious, injury-prone)§4 John Wolyniec (went on to bigger things after leaving the Fire)§3.5 Daniel Woolard (another faceless American former college player)§7 Eric Wynalda (fantastic in his one season, too bad he did not stay)Z§Inc. Jeff Zaun (only played one game)
WOW!!!!! How long did it take you to do that? I think Kubik should have a rating of 10, by far the best defender in FIRE history and MLS history. Great job....
Well, since 1998. Oh, the list, just a couple of hours. It took a bit of digging to remind myself of a few players (like Jeff Zaun)
Chilling in Wisconsin or Minnesota, I suppose. As for the All Time Fire List, I don't believe he ever played in a first team game for the Fire. According to MLSnet archive, he played one game for Tampa Bay, but never for the Fire. http://web.archive.org/web/20090221...et.com/history/register.jsp?content=players_g Don Gramenz Regular Season Stats YEAR TEAM GP GS MIN G A SHT SOG FC FS C EJ 2001 Tampa Bay 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Career
Just wanted to say this was a lot of fun to read, thanks for putting it together. Agree with most of the comments, too, at least based on what I've seen.
Anyone want to try to put together the all-time Fire XI from this list? Seems like we have a lot more going for us in the forwards area than in the back, but as a new fan, I don't remember most of these people
--------------Razov----------Stoichkov--------- ----------Nowak----------------Blanco--------- --Beasley---------------------------------Rolfe-- -----------------------Armas--------------------- ---Bocanegra---------Kubik----------Brown-- ---------------------Thornton--------------------- Bench:Johnson, Ralph, Wolfe, Ljungberg, Marsch, Conde, Segares Not much defense here, but this team could probably average 3 or 4 goals a game.
Would the Fire ever lose a game with line-up? A "true" 3-5-2. There is more than enough defense with Bocanegra, Kubik, Brown and Armas plus Beasley was very good tracking back. Can't argue at all with the starting 11. I am not sure Ljungberg was around long enough to count. Perhaps Andy Williams, since he was here for a longer period of time. But, based upon pure skill, it is Ljungberg, hand's down.
I'm not sure who you would put in at RMF if not Rolfe. I don't think I would vote for either Nyarko or Evan Whitfield. Now what if we made this an All Time Chicago Soccer Best XI? How about this 3-4-3 line-up: Granitza - Kowalik - RazovBeasley -Nowak - MargeticArmasBocanegra - Kubik - BrownThorntonBench: Steffenhagen, Glenn, Marsch, Gansler, Roy, Blanco, Sean Johnson
This is great. Thanks for doing it. The only ratings I really would change are for Matt Pickens, I'd rate him at a "6" and Curtis Spiteri, who I'd rate at about a "-7".