Looks like the deal's done finally, although the secret was out long ago. Lots more to it than I had originally heard. Here's hoping we keep the same jersey design! Story: http://www.coloradorapids.com/news/newsdetails.asp?ID=763
Nice. I really hope the retail distribution plan gets off the ground. I'm sick of not seeing MLS gear in main stream outlets.
Well, Rapids gear, at least... If you get Eurosport or even go to the Bigsoccer store, there ain't much Rapids gear available. Adidas should change all of that. Great move for the Rapids, and MLS.
Yeah, I don't think Athletica is the best run company and they seem to have issues with making more than what is required for the team and a few fans. I'm glad everything is going to such a professional company like Adidas.
I remember at one point maybe 4 years ago I did see MLS clothes at Target, but it was MLS branded clothes - not team affiliated. Like I want to walk around with a t-shirt that says "MLS" on it in big letters, and nothing else. This was during their kick of trying to market the MLS brand over the teams. This can only help the league. MLS marketing borders on inept at times. I doubt Adidas can do worse. Hopefully we are not errrr...misunderestimating things. And, one last time to Rapids folks: Selling (like you did last year - don't recall if you did it this year) Rapids vanity license plates does not make sense in a state that requires TWO license plates. Bring back the license plate frames.
They can't do that. It's only acceptable to do when an educational institution is in the entertainment business. I'm suprised that CO doesn't have Elway plates available. Or are they waiting for him to pass away to do that a la West Virginia's #3 plates when Ernhardt passed away?
Don't encourage them. I don't know what the rules are for those plates. It'd be interesting if they would try.
On the subject of vanity plates, why is it that every time I get cut off in traffic it's by some ************** with Columbine plates? How about you "Respect Life" by not throwing your SUV in front of me when there's only five feet of room, Buffy?
This is a bit off thread topic, but I followed the link to the Rapids website provided in the first post and I see that the Rapids website is still separate from the MLSnet.com network. Why is their website still a separate entity? I'm just curious.
Saw your thread while I was surfing around Big Soccer, hope you don't mind if I take a whack at it. The Rapids, and the Revolution, both opted out of the deal that MLB Advanced Media and the league worked out for the company that MLBAM would create (called SportsOnEarth) to handle content, design and hosting of the sites. Basically the Rapids and the Revolution decided they could do it better and didn't want to share in content or pay for the service. It's interesting, though, if you look at it because those two sites have been stealing content from the MLSnet.com family of sites all year. Video, audio and print pieces have all appeared on Colorado and New England's sites that originally were generated from one of the MLSnet.com group of sites. Nothing will be done about it because those teams are part of the league and the league doesn't want to ruffle too many feathers but it's interesting to note. As for why the teams won't join the network? I have no idea.
A total guess here ... but perhaps with the Nuggets, Avs, Crush, Mammoth, and now Rapids ... KSE have thier own web team?
Because the MLS network is crap...it all looks the same. There is nothing that stands out on the sites...they remind me of a geocities website! Cookie cutter. KSE has all their teams linked through the Pepsicenter.com site and I think that is the best way from them to go! I think the Rapids website Rocks! So much nicer than the others! AN ORIGINAL! A STAND OUT! The Only thing KSE has done to make the team stand out from the others thus far. and by others I mean the MLS teams. And I asked my rep a while ago and she said the websites are all done at the Pepsi Center by their own web team. Hats off to them.