Diddy's indictments document. The SDNY threw the book at him and his truly ********ed. He was basically running a criminal organization and thought he was untouchable. https://www.washingtonpost.com/docu...b787-736298a5c2d7.pdf?itid=lk_inline_manual_6
Like with Weinstein before him, there were rumors about at least some of the stuff he is now officially accused of for ages. It would be a nice idea to examine how exactly these men are allowed to get away with serious crimes for as long as they obviously have.
Nothing we didnt know before....Just confirmation. “Rep. Matt Gaetz attended a drug-fueled sex party in 2017 with the 17-year-old girl at the center of the alleged sex trafficking scandal, according to legal documents filed to a Florida federal court shortly before midnight Thursday, which cite sealed affidavits from three eye-witness testimonies,” NOTUSreports. “The minor, who was a junior in high school at the time, arrived in her mother’s car for a July 15, 2017 party at the Florida home of Chris Dorworth, a lobbyist and friend of Gaetz’s.”
A woman is rarely believed. I mean, anyone here believe Tara Reade? Women, plural, are usually believed, and men get punished. Following these stories, the turning point seems to come when one woman’s story breaks through, and then others come forward.
https://archive.ph/EvMDo Woman reports rape to police. Gets charged with a crime herself instead (for having taped a part of the creepy conversation that preceded the rape). Unbelievable. Well perhaps not unbelievable considering what the experience is for many women reporting rapes to the police. Disgusting is a better word, probably.
https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2024/12/us/ellen-greenberg-death-philadelphia-cec-cnnphotos/ This story is insane.
I read that yesterday. The cops are just so incompetent / corrupt. Clearly the fiancé’s lawyer family is completely corrupt and covering for him.
I know women often are not believed. But of course, each story is different. As I recall, this woman was believed at the time, even though there were inconsistencies in her statements. That is why we shouldn't jump to quick conclusions, one way or the other, and why rape cases are so difficult to prosecute and to judge. https://www.yahoo.com/news/crystal-mangum-accused-three-duke-130832824.html
@Belgian guy "In the Netherlands, a woman is murdered on average once every eight days. In more than half of the cases, the (ex-)partner is responsible for this. This means that the Netherlands scores relatively worse than more macho-like countries such as Spain or Italy. According to experts, this is partly because they are more aware that something dangerous can occur in men, precisely because of the masculine culture."
The quote comes from this article: https://www.ad.nl/binnenland/doodge...bang-dat-ze-zou-komen-te-overlijden~ae5b3af5/ A previous article digs into the why of the high rate of femicide: https://npo.nl/npo3/spot-on/dit-is-...in-nederland-femicide-is-geen-crime-passionel use google translate, but if somethings seems odd, it might be the translation is off. In that case post the odd translation with the original Dutch text, so I can see if AI did a lousy job again.
Another article delving into it. https://www.linda.nl/nieuws/binnenland/geweld-tegen-vrouwen-cijfers/
I think it is mostly about how in both Belgium and the Netherlands, the layman would claim femicide is not a huge problem (compared to other countries). Being unaware of the scale of the problem is a contributing factor in the epidemic.
Read your links. Thanks. Got two different translations (I use Firefox, but switched to Chrome) The aforementioned friend she got to know in a Stay from my body house. (from Firefox) She met the aforementioned friend in a shelter for women. (from Chrome) De eerder genoemde vriendin leerde ze kennen in een Blijf van mijn lijf huis. (I think that is the original Dutch. From second to last paragraph.) Does that mean a domestic abuse home or something like that? Also, that quote you mention is weird in context, and seems like it was forced into the article. Why not compare to Scandinavia or the UK? According to Myren, the solution starts with more research. “On that basis, we can develop a gender-sensitive policy. That means recognizing that the policy you implement can have a different effect on men or women because they have a different role in society.” “An example is the Swedish policy on spreading salt after snowfall. At first, they only spread salt on the roads. Research showed that women benefit less from this than men, because women walk more often. Based on this finding, the government adjusted the salting policy so that women can also go out on the streets safely.'' According to Myren, we could also apply this sensitive form of policy to femicide. Interesting. I like how that is thinking about women without treating women as a distinctly separate class/group.
Yup, a " Blijf van mijn lijf huis" can be translated as "Don't touch/keep your hands of my body house", so Chrome actually grasped the Dutch idiom, while firefox translated the literal words and thus completely missed it. Edit: The comparison isnot made with Scandinavia (I think), because those countries are feminin in culture like the Dutch and the contrast is pitched between a feminin culture and a masculin one while the murder rate is at least twice as high per capita in the feminin culture versus the masculin one.
here’s a curious intersectional case… breaking new legal ground CHOWCHILLA, Calif. -- A convicted criminal who served time at the women's prison in Chowchilla, California is charged with raping fellow inmates. A Madera County judge ruled 52-year-old state prisoner Tremaine Carroll must be referred to with she/her pronouns because Carroll identifies as a woman. … "After his first cellmate became pregnant and was moved to Los Angeles, two other cellmates of his had complained that he had raped them, so we have filed rape charges against this inmate," said Moreno. Moreno says the ruling regarding pronouns impacts her ability to prosecute the case. "This is a particular issue in this case because it's confusing to the jury. In California, rape is a crime that has to be accomplished by a man," said Moreno. https://abc7chicago.com/post/pronou...-facility-prisoner-tremaine-carroll/15696730/
Musk and the usual suspects using the grooming gangs for their own interests does not really surprise me much, nor is it something I am very interested in discussing. They are bigots, are going to use whatever they can to spread their bigotry. More suited to this topic, I will admit that in terms of the Rotherham gang sentencing, I thought that most of them got off pretty lightly considering the severity of their crimes and the fact that those victims were minors (some as young as 11 years old).