@goliath74 : pick five issues that you think will most easily show that centrist Danish politicians are more leftwing than progressive Democratic politicians. I will then use a series of ideological and policymaking datasets to prove you wrong. Whenever you are ready.
Free College Single Payer HealthCare Mandatory paternity Leave Mandatory maternity Leave Labor Unions (including independent unions) playing a much stronger role in Labor market. First four - not even most Democrats support these. The fifth one is certainly on Bernie's list but not most of the rest's
I suspect few would speak on the first issue because there is no real path from our university system as it is now and a free system.
Sorry, issues. Not specific policies. For example, "Single Payer Health Care" is a policy. "Free Health Care at Point of Use" is an issue.
Yet, it is not even the majority of Democrats. I am a left-wing Democrat and I am in a minority of my own party.
I am talking about policies and Denmark's mainstream political establishment being to the left of the majority of US Democrats.
Just a reminder, you said leftist Democrats and AB said progressive Democrats. The Democrats are a rather broad tent that includes a handful of Conservatives, a hefty chunk of centrists, and a slightly smaller collection of progressives. The 96 member Congressional Progressive Caucus absolutely do support all 5 of those.
Progressive Democrats (the progressive caucus) is the left wing of the Democratic Party. And the 5 policies I listed are not even on our list with a possible exception of the mandatory maternity leave. The entire Democratic Party - forget about it.
Cool but I started this conversation asking you to pick issues. I'm not sure why you're in this conversation if you cannot abide by a simple request. If you want to pick policies that only Denmark has passed, well, great, that's cool, you simply do not understand how Congress and the filibuster work. If you want to compare Democrats to Danish centrist parties -- which is what you actually want to do if we should/can believe any of the stuff you write -- then you pick issues. Lemme know when you have them.
Not even progressive democrats support "Free College" unless you restrict "College" to "Community College". Name me a single democrat that supports Mandatory Paternity
How Congress and filibuster work is irrelevant here. I did not make a comparison on what can pass the US Congress. I am talking about Democrats' political attitudes. I am afraid though, you are too ignorant to have a legitimate intellectual discussion.
It would have taken you ten ********ing seconds to find this: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/co...inted-after-democrats-slash-it-biden-n1282636 Twelve weeks for all workers -- maternity and paternity both -- were in Biden's original economic stimulus package. One Democratic Senator opposed it, so it was cut. The rest of the Democratic caucus supported it. You aren't obligated (obliged? whatever) to post things when you don't know them. Now I cannot wait to hear you explain why the Democratic President -- the leader of the party -- doesn't count as a Democrat, nor can I wait for you to explain you meant "one year of mandatory paternity" or some bullshit like that. But I want you to know ahead of time that I've bothered to do research -- crazy, I know -- and I'm prepared. So do your best, so proud of you.
https://www.sanders.senate.gov/wp-content/uploads/college-for-all-fact-sheet-2019.pdf Took me eight seconds.
It took you eight second to find Sanders' program, something I said he supported (as a leftist Social-Democrat).
https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2015/10/22/biden-calls-for-4-years-of-free-college You're doing great!
Have you been to the Issues page for the Progressive Caucus at all?? Medicare for all: https://www.progressivecaucuscenter.org/medicare-for-all Education, which includes Debt-free College; Not technically free college, but it is means tested so that anyone can go to college and not have debt on the tail end. https://www.progressivecaucuscenter.org/issues/education Family Economic Security which includes 12 weeks of paid Family Leave. Paid family leave includes the birth/adoption of a child and is not gender specific. https://www.progressivecaucuscenter.org/issues/family-economic-security Anything else you'd like covered?
Well, of course, as I said, leftist democrats (like myself) support most of these things. And the Debt-Free College is different from Free-College in one major way - you have to prove that you qualify (which, as I just noticed, you covered with "means testing", which Danish free College does not have.
Just a reminder that the Progressive Caucus makes up 95 of the 211 Dems in congress and many of the above are also supported by members of the other caucuses as well.. But, again, you said leftists would be centrists in Denmark. You're gonna have to provide some examples of things the Left in Denmark support that leftists in the US don't support. Yes, Progressives in the US don't like paying for the wealthy.
Well, since all 5 of these things are laws of the land in Denmark, that suggests that they enjoy Danish politicum's consensus. Moderates usually are located around the consensus (or, else, they are not moderates). So, Danish moderates' position approaches that of the leftist Democrats. To be honest, I do not know what Danish leftists' position are today, I have not kept up as much as I should have.
If you understood the difference between an issue and a policy you would see that you've just made a tautological argument. But you don't. So you won't.