Don't look now, but our neighbors may be facing sanctions from FIFA and UEFA for racist chants that were thrown out at England players Ashley Cole and Wright-Phillips. Spain wins the game 1-0 but come out looking like jerks...... This reminds me of the chants I heard during the Portugal vs. Spain game at Alvalade XXI during EURO 2004. Chants like "FIGO **************" and "oohhs, oohhs" every time that Costinha touched the ball. I was unlucky enough to be seating next to the Spanish fans section and heard them all very well.
I remember one game some years ago our national team played in Barcelona on the Espanyol ground against them, we heard things like that, they also booed our national anthem...
The chants were disgusting. They were chanting "monkeys" everytime SWP, Jenas & Ashley Cole touched the ball. This sort of behaviour is not acceptable in today's society and very unfortunate. The English are right to complain about it. However, they're not angels when it comes to racism. A lot of their league matches are marred by such chants. i.e. Milwall x Liverpool a few weeks ago. It's a worldwide problem unfortunately, and to have some Brits accuse Continental Europeans of being racist is hypocritical because they have the same problem in their own country.
I think doing that is unfair to the players who have no culpability in the matter. However, they could give them a ban similar to what AS Roma got recently. Have them play their home games in an empty stadium.
in Portugal the same thing happened, i remember about Sporting fans calling Monkey and throwing bananas to Cesar Prates
wow this is very shameful for tha spainards,very disgracefull i thought the spainnish had much more class and respect for other ppl.this is wrong for wat the spainards did out there on tha field very wrong,i cant believe that they did this,ive lost alot of respect for the spainards,this is very disgracefull
That's true, i've heard the same chants made by Superliga fans. If this happened during a Portugal/Spain game, the international media would have barely batted an eye.
Living in a country with so much miscigenation, I find it very strange that Western Europeans feel comfortable to expose to the world their true selves. We have racism in Brazil, like in every country on earth, but don't hate each other. If someone tried something like this here would be expelled of the venue, the press would fall hard on the club and measures would be adopted. But I guess that when the mob gathers feels at ease to show as they really are. It still happens when Brazilians teams play in Argentina. It is a downright shame for all the humanity.
A propósito: Paulistanos celebram 1º feriado pela Consciência Negra no sábado O Dia da Consciência Negra, este ano, será comemorado pelos paulistanos de forma diferenciada já que, pela primeira vez, será feriado municipal. A prefeita Marta Suplicy (PT) sancionou no final do ano passado um projeto de lei que torna 20 de novembro em feriado. No mesmo dia, em comemoração à data, o museu Afro-Brasil, que fica no parque do Ibirapuera (zona sul de São Paulo), inaugura, às 11h, sua primeira exposição temporária, intitulada "Brasileiro, Brasileiros", que pretende ressaltar a mestiçagem nacional e mostrar a origem do povo brasileiro. (...) O dia 20 de novembro foi escolhido pois trata-se do aniversário de morte de Zumbi, o último líder do Quilombo dos Palmares --símbolo de resistência dos escravos africanos. A região surgiu no começo do século 17, na divisa de Pernambuco e Alagoas, e foi destruída por tropas do governo colonial em 1694, após sua 18ª tentativa. (...)
It's a terrible thing and those people should be ashamed of themselves. However, we can't be blaming the entire Spain or England. I'm sure the vast majority of people in Spain or England find the behaviour of those idiots dispicable. Unfortunately, racism is still a problem in the world we live in. Hard to believe in this day and age. But what a bunch of idiots!
well, considering their past history with the inquisition and constant skirmishes with the moors, portuguese, english, and italian city-states, i'm not surprised spain has a issue with tolerance. on a lighter note, being politically correct isnt fun. sometimes racial comments are entertaining and serve a purpose. like entertainment. NOT!
That's 'cuz Brazil is a liberal country. Didn't spain had a conservative government until recently? and I'm sure it's not everybody, it's just a few intolerant idiots!
Is that a thread? because if it is ur rep will be negative by tommorow. Ur a newbie here don't start threatning people(not here).
agree with roy man this should not be tolerated and automatically if it happens again spain should be out . the fans should be fair game and so do these players who play their hearts out to win. no matter if their black or white they should be treated with respect. disgusting and ugly is all i got to say.
Here we go again after the debate on the ignorance of Racial comments coming out of the Spanish fans in the friendly. The English condem the heck out of the Spanish including talking about it in Parliment. (rightly so) Well the English then make the news where racial chants were being thrown out at a Premiereship game. Now the Question is if the English asked for Sanctions against the Spanish National team will they now issue Sanctiosn aganist the home team where the racial comments were made.
i may be confused... if the Racial Chants Originated with the Teams , then the punishment should be severe. its uninthinkable that these guys can make racial remarks when they are paid so much. they are paid to be good at the sport and be upstanding gents. its completely inappropriate. if the Fans are the ones making Racial Comments , then you cant really do much. while its a dirty thing to do, you cant change people's minds who were born stupid or just have irrepairable ignorance. (stupid). certain people cant or wont change and think that race is a deciding factor of skills and whatever...they are stupid and you cant change their attitudes. all you can do is ask the multitudes to be kind and fair and hope they arent a bunch of vapid hooligans.
The English government should take a good hard look at their own fans before criticizing other Country's fans, lets face it English fans are not exactly known for being alter boys! By no means am i condoning what the spanish fans did, but english fans have done a lot worst over the years!