When you get the message that you have a new PM, there's a little line, in parentheses, that seems to offer you the option to decline to accept it. But when you hit it, it opens the PM as if you had asked to open it. I get some PM's from people who really aren't worth the trouble to read, and this would seem to be a good option, only it doesn't seem to work. Help?
Yeah. When you log on, you get the popup that says "You have a new PM" or whatever. If you click the yes option you get the second option which says "Open in New Window?" Click yes again and your PM board opens. Any unread PM's appear at the top of the list. They have the subject the sender wrote, like "You are a big fat bad person" and THEN it says, in parentheses: (deny receipt) What does "deny receipt" do? I figured it was sort of like a refusal to accpt the mail or something, but I guess I'm wrong. What is it?
I le know a lot If you le use that option, le person that sent you that message can not le see if you read his message or not. C'est vrai.