The upcoming San Jose earthquakes stadium will also have club seats which, I was told, were modeled after yours. Would you mind sharing any info on them? How wide are they? Are they comfortable? How do they compare to your regular seats? Would you say they are worth the extra expense? Thanks!
well if you are in the "Club sections"-those seat are identical to everyone else's except you get armrests and beverage holders. Now the Luxury Box out door seating are da bomb-fine I-talian leather (I think made in Holland) with extra cushioning for your buttismo. But again-those are for the Luxury suites only. Everyone in the VIP sections get access to the "Club"-not sure what the seating in there is like, I'm not that cool.
The President's Club has the highbacked comfy seats same as boxes. They are real comfy like Metroey says. Like all the seats in BBVA compass, they are European narrow. But damn comfy. I just never get to sit in mine because I stand the whole game..
"Worth it" truly depends on whether you are going to use the actually club or not. We like to take our little daughter to the game and having the option to head into air conditioning for a bit is great. Plus the food is better in the club not too mention a full bar. If you are buying JUST for the seats, I would imagine it is not going to be worth the cost.
I get club seats here and there - our firm has tickets in 105 - and I'm a huge fan of the porch outside the lounge. If SJE does it similarly to BBVA, where the field level club seats have access to the lounge/porch, I'd go low, unless you're in it solely for the leather. Which is, indeed, very supple (thanks again, DJ).
Thanks everyone. Sounds like SJE's will be like your field level club seats, with the lounge and stuff (looks like there might be a bar but I'm not positive). These are more to help get my wife to the game.
I thought the club would help get my wife to the games. So far ....ehhh... not so much. She went to the opener with me. That's about it.
Is there some sort of dessert bar in the VIP club? Someone I know mentioned to me something about it but he didn't know the cost. BTW, the seats in 125-127 have armrests and cupholders in them as well, along with special bathroom access.