It took book porn how long to come up w/ something video porn has been doing since... As long as I can remember? Are they going to do clever things with the titles, too? A Milf Summer Nights Wet Dream (hmmm. That one already has a character named Titania, and another called Bottom) Horatio Alger, the Whore's Hole Stretcher. Moby Dick.
Of course, there are a lot of titles that get more interesting if you don't actually change the title: Where the Wild Things Are Black on White The Adventures of Captain Underpants No No Yes Yes Puss in Boots What do You do with a Tail Like This? Holes The Bad Beginning and The Secret Garden, especially if you are into Oriental porn.... And that's just children's literature for the truly sick at heart...
A few weeks ago, the BBC Morning Commute podcast covered this story and read some excerpts from the porno version of A Study in Scarlet. Watson, of course, was gay. They bleeped out quite a few phrases. Never thought I would hear someone read the words"pumped my co*#" over the BBC.
They're competing with the Post now So am I to understand this is basically Saving Ryan's Privates, but with literature?