Most of you know Pedro but a lot of you don't know all the hard work he is putting in down here in Richmond to grow the Barra and support of DCU. Besides all the in-season carpool organizing and away game viewing he has kicked it up a notch by putting together an off-season gathering at a Renegades (Richmond's hockey team) game last night. Not just your average trip to a game but Pedro used his connections to get us set up in the owners box. A good time was had by all. Just thought he deserved a proper shout out here in the Barra thread. Thanks Pedro.
No but the owner of the team came into talk to us to let us know that there was a complaint about us being too rowdy. This was before the game started. I think our talking and getting settled in offended a gentleman that was in the box. The owner said "Don't worry about it, some people come here and think it should be like a freaking church."
You didn't hear? Grillmaster is suiting up in goal on the 8th, and Oscar is starting on the wing in Ovechkin's spot.