problem with new cleats/boots!!!!!

Discussion in 'Soccer Boots' started by ncsucodered33, Nov 30, 2004.

  1. ncsucodered33

    ncsucodered33 New Member

    Nov 11, 2004
    O.k. so i just got new vapors having been wearing predators for a while. Well since im 12 years old and i am growing i decided to get size 4.5 in vapors since i grew out of my 3.5 size pred's. Well i put them on and they are the smae exact size so i jsut spent like 100 dollars on cleats I'm not even gonna be able to wear but for like a month. So I was wondering if all nike and adidas cleats are like these?
  2. Andraay

    Andraay New Member

    Feb 28, 2004
    I am sorry, but I think you have made a big mistake to get $100 shoes at your age! I am past ur age big time, but it's just no point in getting top of the line boots when your feet is growing coz they don't last u at all. In my opinion, you should really sell your boots and get some decent money back before you trash them in games and get something like $20 back. I have the impression that junior size boots don't sell too well on Ebay...

    What I got when I was 12 was the cheapest Umbro boot I could find, which cost me $15. Lasted me for a year.
  3. metropolis2k

    metropolis2k New Member

    Sep 7, 2004
    1. You should have tried them on before you bought them.
    2. If you're going to spend that much money on boots at your age (when you're growing quickly) get some kangaroo leather ones that will stretch and mould to your feet and therefore last you longer.
    3. You should have tried them on before you bought them
    4. Can't you send the Vapours back if you haven't work them?
    5. You should have tried them on before you bought them.
  4. ncsucodered33

    ncsucodered33 New Member

    Nov 11, 2004
    well actually my mom got them for me for my birthday (today) just turned 13. And she got them for 49.99 at, cuz i asked her. Do you think I could send them back if they have been never used?
  5. appleCORR7

    appleCORR7 Member+

    Jul 3, 2004
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    If you havent worn them cant you send them back?

    I used to wear 5.5 in adidas but when i had vapors i wore a 6 because they are more of a snug fit.

    I agree though $100 is a lot to spend on a pair of boots if your feet havent stopped growing. I know a lad who had the same problems. He had his from Pro-direct soccer at the start of the summer had them personalized and everything. I think they cost around £160 and he has only had them for about 4 months and now they are too small for him.

    I think while your feet are still growing you should just have some boots that arent very expensive (not crap ones just not the top end range boots) there isnt any point in paying that much if you arent going to get much wear out of them.

    But sorry to hear that. You should try and send them back and get a bigger size and just wear a few pairs of socks!

  6. Van der Meyde

    Van der Meyde New Member

    Aug 9, 2004
    Sorry to hear that mate, when I was your age I was kinda the same, I wanted a nice pair, and bought Predators. They went a bit funny and Adidas sent me the newest predators which werent due to be out for like a few months, which was very nice to wear. I didnt realise how cool it was at the time!

    But yeah, I mean like Apple said, you can get cheaper boots if you like, because I mean at your age your feet just grow grow grow. When I was 15 I couldnt decide to buy the Air Zooms or Mercurials. I bought Zooms because the Mercurials were very expensive for my feet because I knew they were gonna grow big time.

    I think they've stopped growing now, today I bought a pair of Vapor 2's, very pleased with them and it's a good feelin once your feet have stopped growin. All that you need to worry about when you reach that stage is keepin them in top notch condition hehe!

    Good luck with your boots mate, good luck on your football
  7. Andraay

    Andraay New Member

    Feb 28, 2004
    I think so, at least you can do an exchange.

    Good luck!

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