Game Specs I have on my PC, Intel Pentium III 771 MHZ ATI Radeon 7200 384MB RAM 4 CD/DVD ROM Question I have is will the Pro Evo 3 work on my machine sufficiently enough that it would be worth buying?
No it won't. Even in 680x480 it will just about run on your system, but pretty slowly and with low detail. You need a 2Ghz P4. It's a bit of a pain in the arse, but has almost everything from music to games. You have to log on to specific hubs, but many of these hubs are run by little Hitlers with even smaller dicks who will kick you out for having 1 dodgy file or scratching your ass too quick. You must share or you will not get in, usually 1-2 gigs of relevant stuff to the hub you connect to. If you are very patient, it's excellent for getting almost anything, far more than Kazaa. AMD are good too, I don't really know how much difference there is now or if it's significant. 32bit technology is reaching saturation anyway, so even a 5GHZ PC won't be much faster than a 2Ghz. 64Bit is the future, but we will need new Software and PC's. Wow, I almost sound like a techno nerd today.
I've got a 2Ghz P4 w/ 1GB of RAM it runs good in 800X600 and 60Hz I believe. It emulates a PS2 which is the problem, I don't think the code will be optimized for PC Timing and Resolutions as the PS2 only goes up to what 640X480? I have a GeForce 4 4200 so I could use a bit of an upgrade in that department probably in the next 3-6 months. I've played the Demo and 5 minutes is not enough. BTW! But its an addicting game. PES3+CM03/04 will destroy some social lives this Christmas.