live link on CNN for those able to view it
I see Rahm Emanuel, Robert Ruben, and a whole slew of of others standing behind the podium waiting for him to come out to speak
Great sig by the way, JeremyE. Have you seen where some right wingers have been using that quote as a sign that he was backing off his campaign promises? Anyway, back to our PBP.
Acknowledges that Bush is president, and that immediately after he himself takes over in January that he will address the economic crisis as his first order of business. Rescue plan for middle class - create jobs and provide relief - further extension of unemployment address spreading impact of crisis on other aspects of economy - small business and local governments, plus global response, and news from GM. Auto industry is backbone of American economy - will assist retooling the auto companies for future needs, especially fuel efficiency. Acknowledges governor Granholm of MI Review implementation of admin's financial plan to make sure the plan is working after it's started. Moving forward with policies to grow middle class and strengthen economy for the long term
I couldn't quite hear the first question His answer mentions that we're going to have to create jobs to fix the economic crisis, and that a new president will ahve enormous impact.
These popular job loss numbers might be an increase from construction maintenance. Lawn Care has diffently increased. I see more Zero-Turn Tractor Mowers, Walk Behind Mowers (which buyer could get a foot plate to ride behind. These are also great for steep hills like those found around viadox's and overpasses.). Front Deck Mowers (also comes with 4x4 differential capabilites which is good for steep hills however you must go straight up and straight back because of overturn accidental dependancies and not to far toward the edge/top due to grass baring mud spots a burn if you will.) and high grade weed eater mulcher machines...
Next question - will stimulus package start during Bush's lame duck session? A: I hope so but if it is not it will be the first thing I do when I start
Obama wants to get a shelter dog, but one that's hypo-allergenic. Because lots of shelter dogs are "mutts, like me."
I'm mostly encouraged by the focus on Detroit. We've been left to wander in the wilderness for the past 8 years. Bush couldn't care less about Michigan's plight. I'm glad Obama recognizes that we need to actually produce things of value, not just debt. I'm also crossing my fingers that Detroit is smart about the help they're going to get. This is an opportunity for them to prove they've learned their lessons. Although I'm not tied to the auto industry in any substantial way, I'm seeing my home crumble around me.
I've said it on here before and I'll say it again: Right now Detroit would shoot itself in the foot and then proceed to put a sword through the same foot. Besides, our home has been crumbling since Archer left IMO. We need someone like him very badly and right now. Keep in mind that he brought a lot of the events we've had in the last few years. The Super Bowl especially. I love Detroit and all but we've been just downright pathetic for too long now.
Reading is Elitist! I knew it! I'm listening in for the code words for when my sleeper cell is to activate.
The first step was getting Kwame out. The rest of the problems are daunting, but not insurmountable. To be fair, I live out in the burbs. Things are obviously a lot better out here. But when I speak of my home imploding, I'm speaking of the whole state. We're experiencing a mass exodus of our best and brightest. If we offer them nothing to stay, they will go elsewhere to seek the increasingly elusive American dream. The only reason I'm still here is because I would have to leave my family behind for a while. Selling my home in this market is not an option. I would essentially have to start all over. Since my position as work is not in any real danger of going away, I don't feel that desperate need. But that's not the case for a lot of my friends thav have already left.