Starting to get a little antsy that ACStL hasn't announced any preseason games yet. They seem to be taking the KC home-and-home idea seriously, but they'll need more tuning up than that. More selfishly, I'm anxious to see some action! Anybody know anything about other possible preseason matches in the works?
Gee, how many times have we heard that in the past six months about one thing or another with NASL or the ACSTL organization? Honestly, quit worrying. I'd put things like signing a GK above arranging preseason games. Besides, when Athletica started up this time last year, we heard nothing (besides WPS-wide drafting stuff) - nothing - until about half a month before the season began. There we no preseason games against non-college teams. Granted, we started off the season rough and it was against a whole league of expansion teams, but we did finish solidly in second. And throughout the season, the FO was amazing. At least ACSTL has been averaging a signing or two per week, and telling us about the plans for playing the Wizards. So chill.
Nicely said, there is still plently of time. Everything is fine and we will hear from ACSTL when everything is ready.
It's my understanding the dates with KC are March 20th in KC and April 3rd in St. Louis. Somebody please correct me if it's different. To my knowledge, there has been no OFFICIAL news release about the STL-KC games from either side yet, but I believe it's coming soon.
If this site is correct, it looks like the game in St. Louis would be April 3rd. - M - MLS PRESEASON&iTeamID= These are the Wizards games listed on that site that weren't already known to fans, the only one that's TBD is the April 3rd one. 3/11 (Thursday) 7pm at Community America Ballpark 3/16 (Tuesday) 7pm at Community America Ballpark 3/20 (Saturday) 2pm at Swope 3/24 (Wednesday) 10am at Community America Ballpark 3/31 (Wednesday) 10 am at Swope 4/3 (Saturday) 7pm TBD 4/7 (Wednesday) 10 am at Swope 4/14 (Wednesday) 10 am at Swope 4/21 (Wednesday) 10 am at Swope 4/28 (Wednesday) 10 am at Swope
Had this link shown to me because of the game against the Wizards, but it says you guys play UMKC on March 12th in St. Louis.
I know at this point I'm probably worrying too much, but I can't count on two hands and two feet how many minor league sports franchises, and leagues, I've seen fall apart before they even started. So, yeah...I get concerned sometimes.
I really hope that we don't play KC on the 20th. I already have two things going on that day!! I won't have time to squeeze in a third.
Just got an email from the team. AC St. Louis plays the Wizards at home on April 3. Free admission and parking for season ticket holders.
Well good to hear they are playing someone. Many other div2 teams have announced quite a few friendlies for the preseason. Tampa is taking on at least 4 already, 2 MLS teams at least.
I saw in the ad for tickets that they'll be playing KC in the preseason. Glad to hear it. Let's see what happens
Now that the MLS players union has voted to strike, does anyone know if that will affect the preseason game?
Pure speculation on my part, but I would assume the radio deal would be with 1380 since they had the rights to Athletica. It would be very difficult (with the game being moved up and all) to make those arrangments.
1380 would be my speculation as well. I'm shamed to admit, but I only listed to one game on the radio. Has there been any news of KPLR picking up any games?
Personally I enjoyed the broadcasts, but I will admit to being friends with Tony and Joe so I'm quite a bit biased. I haven't heard anything about television but remember that last season they didn't even reach a broadcast agreement until mid June or so. The biggest problem with radio broadcasts this season is that we have one announce team and two teams. Once again, pure speculation on my part, but I would not be suprised if they only broadcast the home games this year. A bit of a bummer but it makes economic sense. Ofcourse maybe we can pick up the Wizards play by play guy to do radio for us since he won't be broadcasting much (yes i'm being sarcastic....I hope)
Thanks for the update on the Wizards-ACSTL game being moved up to Friday. I posted that information on the ACSTL Fanatic blog.
Well, worst case scenario I could always listen to the away broadcasts on my blackberry....(I love that thing.)