hey guys, i just wanted to ask all of you to pray for ariel sharon. Tehillin, simple prayers, whatever it is you do, please do it. He needs us. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,180604,00.html
this is very sad, he is in a very bad condition right now, hes been going through surgery to save his life for about 8-9 hours or so, and doctors say it may take even a few more hours. my thoughts and prayers are with the sharon family and hopefully this will end soon and he will be healthy.
I really have a bad feeling that he's already passed and that they are covering it up to buy time and get the nation/world ready for the announcement. I really feel like we all lost a father figure...We will be lost for a while without him...
Pray for Ehud Olmert While we're at it--spare a few thoughts for the new Acting PM--Ehud Olmert, who has some big shoes to fill. Indications are that Olmert is a good guy--and he is such a serious fan (Betar J'lem) that it is noted in all the official biogs of him... Shalom, Mike