Potential other groups?

Discussion in 'Vancouver Supporters Clubs' started by canuck51, Dec 1, 2010.

  1. canuck51

    canuck51 Member

    Jan 15, 2007

  2. carnifex2005

    carnifex2005 Member+

    Jul 1, 2008
    Vancouver Whitecaps
    Cool! The more the merrier.
  3. sportie1

    sportie1 Member+

    Sep 4, 2008
    does not surprise me-- the caps want a broader, more gregarious/inclusive type of supporter groups and may help explain the seating/pricing controversy

    to have a variety of enthusiastic groups around the stadium is great and should really add to the atmosphere at the games
  4. JohnnyRanger

    JohnnyRanger Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 30, 2008
    Vancouver Whitecaps
    Nat'l Team:
    First off sportie, I'll take exception to your comment. The SS'ers are very inclusive etc.

    It makes a lot of sense that the other clubs and groups throughout Vancouver would come together to support VWFC together.

    I know the Chelseas supporters group and the Man Utd supporters groups that meet at certain local Donnely Pubs and Bars were going to going together in their pruchase.

    I know lots of these groups are around town, I myself belong to the Number 2 Rangers Supporters Club that meets in New West, although I haven't been in a long time :p

    I'll echo the more the merrier,

    and it should be noted that the drum group, at least the one I'm aware of, are kind of an off-shoot of the Southsiders anyways... I do know at least one card carrying SS'er that has purchased his seat with them.
  5. sportie1

    sportie1 Member+

    Sep 4, 2008
    if the southsiders were such an inclusive group and were what the caps wanted as their main supporters group, then you and the group would have been given priority in the end zone

    i think the caps want a different image for the club-- and i agree with them-- the emergence of other groups spread around the stadium is great and maybe that is what the caps have always wanted

    we can agree to disagree-- but the bottom line is we both love soccer and the caps and we both want 2011 to be a year to remember at empire field and bc place

    so go and cheer yourself with your pals and let the disappointment of not having as big a presence as you had hoped for be pushed aside for the bigger picture
  6. JohnnyRanger

    JohnnyRanger Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 30, 2008
    Vancouver Whitecaps
    Nat'l Team:
    obviously you haven't been keeping up.
    1. We were given priority, we were given the ability to procure our seats well before anyone else was, what happened was only around 20% of SSer deposit holders opted in, as the price points available weren't palletable to the group at large.
    2. The rest of us have all procured seats in and around the sections we desired adjacent to the seats the other 20% opted in for...meaning the SS is larger in bredth than ever before.
    3. At present there are no other "organized" Supporters groups
    4. We don't cheer ourselves on, we support the Caps. We do it our way and really don't care what other people think.
    5. What bigger picture? Paul barber was quoted as saying he wants the Caps games to make Qwest and ECS "look like a nursery party"

    we wouldn't want facts to stand in the way of a good story though :p
  7. piltdownman

    piltdownman Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    I for one welcome anyone who wants to support the boys on the field. I think it will be great if they spread them around the stadium; however, I think the club has put them all in their "Supporters Sections: 251, 252, 253 and 254." For them its just trying to fill those Teal and Aqua seats.

    I'm extremely biased but would like to know why you think its better to have a number of smaller supporter groups then one strong unified one? Personally I'm happy with the emergence of the South America group. It's a much different experience than what the Southside currently offers, so I welcome it.
  8. sportie1

    sportie1 Member+

    Sep 4, 2008
    the dynamic of various SGs around the stadium adds to the atmosphere- its like the wave - a friendly competition between groups in different sections; it will also encourage others to get more involved in the total game experience-- why focus in just 1 section when it can be spread around the stadium to a greater effect? -- it also allows for more spontaneity rather than the pied piper effect
  9. piltdownman

    piltdownman Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    As stated in my last post if they were distributed around the stadium I agree that having many different supporters groups would be amazing; however, the Whitecaps want all these supporters groups in their "Supporters Sections: 251, 252, 253 and 254." Thats three blocks of seats together in the 44 block stadium.
  10. JohnnyRanger

    JohnnyRanger Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 30, 2008
    Vancouver Whitecaps
    Nat'l Team:
    piltdownman: Don't feed the troll. :)
  11. sportie1

    sportie1 Member+

    Sep 4, 2008
    that's the type of comment that makes the Caps FO decide not to give you and the SSiders the recognition you thirst for-- any divergent comment/idea that goes against you and your groups' opinions/ideas are considered soccer heresy

    you doth protest too much-- accept the fact your organization will not get the profile you want-- and in this the Caps FO were correct

    enjoy the season with your pals and cheer up a good storm-- thats what's important, not who is right or wrong
  12. JohnnyRanger

    JohnnyRanger Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 30, 2008
    Vancouver Whitecaps
    Nat'l Team:
    You made a few points, your opinion (although you're entitled to it) is not based in fact.

    That's why I took exception, then you failed to address me addressing your points..

    It's like beating my head against a wall. It's not about who is right and wrong, it's about exchanging opinions and making points and having adult discussion.

    A troll is someone who makes flagrant and continuos rabble rousing posts for no good reason other than to wind people up. That's your posts to a tee, when aimed at the Southsiders specifically.
  13. Yoshou

    Yoshou Fan of the CCL Champ

    May 12, 2009
    Seattle Sounders
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    So, sportie1 is OCD about tracking Marcus Haber's career, he's got a knee-jerk hatred of Southsiders... Now all we need is for him to go off on George Vancouver and he's hit the IronShiek trifecta.
  14. JohnnyRanger

    JohnnyRanger Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 30, 2008
    Vancouver Whitecaps
    Nat'l Team:
    At the end of the day spotie keeps saying that the FO:
    1. Doesn't like us or want us, yet they used us in their marketing campaigns over the last year and all over their website and ticket images. Their marketing manager keeps close contact with our BoD (Which I was a part of before having to resign for time and committment issues)
    2. Didn't give us any priority: again he's wrong. The SS'ers were given priority on a first dale pre sale to buy tix in the "Supporters Sections" this is not up for debate. What has been debated ad nauseum is our view of that presale and a difference of opinions between us and the FO about pricing for that section
    3. He says we're not inclusive, yet we have people (Men and Women) of all ages sizes shapes races religions and creed in our ranks from starving uni students, to high school students, to Sales Managers, IT People, Software developers, R&D Specialists, Private investigators, Teachers, Uni profs and everything in between. We also have people with disabilites in our ranks. Add to all of that that we are currently in a recruiting campaign right now and I don't see how we could be perceived as anything other than inviting and inclusive.
    4. We are not always quick to ignore or simply brush aside differing opinions than the "norm" some very heated debates and conversations have been had a tailgates, on our messageboard, and during pub nights and road trips... What isn't tolerated is misinformed people spouting off rubbish and passing it off as fact when it is just misonformed opinion based on mistruths and lies.

    Thanks ;)
  15. JohnnyRanger

    JohnnyRanger Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 30, 2008
    Vancouver Whitecaps
    Nat'l Team:
    We also aren't after any sort of profile. We have been and aim to continue to be the loudest and proudest supporters of VWFC.

    Where are the "grandstanders" and "eastsiders" when the Caps put on viewing parties at local partner pubs to watch away matches? It's always attended by WVFC FO Staff and the Southsiders. It's always the same people.

    I haven't seen other "fans" :p at these events.

    Just Sayin ;)

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