Any idea why posts are appearing out of sequence? (i.e. someone quoting another post and having their post appear before the post they were quoting)
Odd. Can you please post a handful of threads where this is happening please. We'll try to chase it down. -EB Been happening pretty consistently over the past few days in the B@W threads in FFA That thread. Here's my completely uneducated guess. If I last refreshed BigSoccer at 4:40 PM, the time at the bottom of the page it says: "All times are GMT -5. The time now is 04:40 PM.", even though the real time is 4:55 PM. That might have something to do with it. edit --- hmmm, I dunno. Something isn't right though.
I also cant delete thread I started. I made a thread asking for something about a player, I got what I wanted before someone replied and now I cant delete the thread.
Despite the off-topic nature of your request, I'll give it a shot. The way you delete a thread that you start is to delete the first post in the thread.
Ugh... There were no replies in the thread and my problem is that I didnt see the delete option. My question was also directed at a mod or admin. -N1
My guess is that the time on the two web servers is not in sync. We're moving to one server for a bit so this should disappear, however, it will likely appear when we get the second server back up and running. We will address it at that time. If this issue hangs around for a few more days than it is something else.
Yeah, it's still happening in the preemie forum. It's odd, because since each post gets a postid=3622805 or whatever, then you'd think those would be numerical in the thread. really bad on this page
Oddly enough, I'm not seeing it on those threads. Can you please go to your Control Panel, click Edit OPtions and make sure that the Thread Display Mode is set to Linear - Oldest First. We'll hunt this down soon enough. -EB
And on this page: You are seeing posts out of order?
Posts 54-57 on the following page are a good example.
I can see where it would get annoying. On the other hand, it's funny when you see Segroves telling someone to Go Die in a Fire before the offending post appears. Kinda reverses the usual sense of anticipation you get on bigsoccer.