Post Game Analysis: Spain and Korea

Discussion in 'Korea' started by delllogo, May 30, 2012.

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  1. delllogo

    delllogo Member

    Nov 19, 2007
    i see game. with no biaz. spain couldve roled us at least 6-1. spain fa hav agrment wtih kfa. kfa say we pay u 1 milion dolah. dont scor more than 5. spain say ok.

    i see everythin clearl. kfa has to much realise on dutch system. someone at kfa read dutch futbol wrong. they think dey employ total futebol. but we try to mkae a byungshin futebol.

    totla futebol is interchngeable positions - when one plyr is attack, then other defend. defender can become atacker. but FUDAMENTAL position does not chnge. plyur if they are defender. stay defender.

    geseki byungshin futebol is wht koren futebol ply today. byungshin futebol is: i was a defender before for x # years. now, i am stryker. byunshin futebol has been prevlent in korea some time. i no realise this until today, but the geseki byhunshin kang hee actuly make those subsitutions. why is kim chi whoo a number 9 - and replace striker? in 2010, he was frackin defender. again kim jae sung - what he? defendsive midfielder?

    itsl ike korea player have sex in every posiotion just to have fun -

    coach: hyy babyy u wanna try the CB position?
    player; sure why not?
    ********* and humph and proves to be bad

    coach: hey u wanna fck on MF postiion?
    player: sure why not?
    *get ass raped by spansh c***

    coach: hey u wanna fck on stryker position?
    player: sure, why not?
    *scre no possie. insted get mauled.

    this byunshin chookgoo has been so prevlent. rotational system devised by top kfa execeutives have not worked.

    profe? fckin lee jung soo was stryker. now he CB. what the f&& is this.
    news repped this.
  2. 12th Warrior

    12th Warrior Member+

    May 27, 2006
    Delllogo, if you are unable to post in a mature, coherent manner, do not bother posting at all. I am tired of seeing the garbage you post--content and grammar-wise. This will be my last warning. Heed it well.

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