Outstaged by the fame of Fábio Paim and by the goals of his teammate Daniel Candeias, André Monteiro is also an important part of FC Porto and Portugal u17 teams. He is more a winger than a striker, playing in the right wing in Portugals u17 433. For FC Porto he forms the strikers pair in the 442 and already scored 6 times this season. A more detailed profile, based on a messenger interview with him can be found on my blog http://esperancaportista.blogspot.com/2004/11/andr-monteiro-estrela-na-sombra.html. Cheers Morphy
Great stuff. Another name to keep an eye on. With the likes of Vaz Te, Paim, Candeias, Gama etc..the future looks really good.
4 goals. He and Monteiro have played side by side in 442, and together have 10 goals, while fcp is leading it's series.
I taught we were only going to have one thread about the Youth so they not going to get lost on the pile