Portugal and Brasil signed a referee Protocol

Discussion in 'Portugal' started by Frank Cunha, Nov 10, 2004.

  1. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    Portuguese federation of referees and Brasilians signed a protocol of cooperation

    Árbitros portugueses e brasileiros assinam protocolo

    A Associação Portuguesa de Árbitros de Futebol (APAF) celebrou um protocolo de cooperação com a sua congénere brasileira ANAF, com o objectivo de fortalecer as relações entre os associados portugueses e brasileiros.

    A oficialização do acordo ocorreu no XVII Congresso de Arbitragem Brasileira, realizado em Caldas Novas de 5 a 7 de Novembro.

    Segundo o documento assinado, para além do intercâmbio, as duas partes comprometem-se a participar em congressos e outros eventos, com o objectivo de incentivar e divulgar o desenvolvimento de ambas as associações.

    Data: Quarta-Feira, 10 de Novembro de 2004 12:14:00
  2. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    how about Portuguese referee's in Brasil for some games, and Brasilian referee's in Portugal for some of the top games
  3. ferreirajl

    ferreirajl New Member

    Jun 5, 2002
    Lisbon, Portugal
    Brasilian refs in Portugal top games?

    That would ruin the whole point of Pinto da Costa offering refs tickets to Brasil. I say it's a bad idea.
  4. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    a good point from a Porto fan :)
  5. Briosa a frente

    Briosa a frente New Member

    Sep 3, 2004
    Winnipeg, (Coimbra)
    I want to become a ref in Brazil.
    once a week they could fly me down there. and fly me home.
    I don't have to worry about the outcome of the match and any repurcussions by the fans.
    Wait I also want to be a ref in Potugal
    They couild fly me home for every game and they don't even have to pay me. Just pay the flight anf the weekend stay. You know car food drink clothes.
  6. biggyv

    biggyv Member

    May 18, 2000
    PGH PA
    Yup. Just point me to the nightclubs with the most women, and I'll ref a good game.
  7. Benfica_fan

    Benfica_fan Member

    Jun 5, 2002
    It's not a bad idea if FIFA and UEFA allow it.
  8. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    I don't see why not, its good for the game
  9. Roy Da Silva

    Roy Da Silva New Member

    Sep 24, 2003
    Vancouver Canada
    So are they planning to exchange Referees or are you guys just joking around
  10. Benfica_fan

    Benfica_fan Member

    Jun 5, 2002
    I've always been in favor of European leagues sharing referees. 1st division games of all European leagues should be officiated by referees from outside the country. I think UEFA has discussed this already, so maybe it will happen in the future.
  11. leafster

    leafster New Member

    Jul 21, 2004
    Toronto, Canada
    I haven't seen enough of Brazilian refs to say whether this is good or bad. Some of the worst refs come from Latin America.

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