Poll: which state will be the new Florida

Discussion in 'Elections' started by superdave, Oct 28, 2004.

  1. superdave

    superdave Member+

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    smoke 'em if you got 'em
  2. skipshady

    skipshady New Member

    Apr 26, 2001
    Orchard St, NYC
    If I had to make a guess, Ohio going to Kerry, but the winner will need Wisconsin.
  3. Matt in the Hat

    Matt in the Hat Moderator
    Staff Member

    Sep 21, 2002
    New York Red Bulls
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    Despite the common belief, we will not have the problems that we had in 2000.
    Kerry in a landslide.
  4. Dave Brull

    Dave Brull Member

    Mar 9, 2001
    Mayfield Hts, Ohio
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I live in a liberal Cleveland suburb (guess which) and three times I've had to call the county elections board to see if the most recent voter registration scandal has challenged my right to vote. So far, so good.

    Ohio will be Florida. At least it isn't boring here, but lord, the commericals.
  5. JG

    JG Member+

    Jun 27, 1999

  6. fidlerre

    fidlerre Member+

    Oct 10, 2000
    Central Ohio
    Ohio is going to be a mess, I cannot wait :rolleyes:
  7. Foosinho

    Foosinho New Member

    Jan 11, 1999
    New Albany, OH
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    I do not feel as confident as you do that Kerry will win Ohio. It should be a landslide, given how many jobs the state has lost, but it doesn't feel like it's going to go that way.
  8. Frankfurt Blue

    Sep 3, 2003
  9. sch2383

    sch2383 New Member

    Feb 14, 2003
    Northern Virginia
    There will be a few. Ohio and Flordia for sure, Colorado if that amendment passes.
  10. Roel

    Roel Member

    Jan 15, 2000
    Santa Cruz mountains
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    It won't be California. Kerry will win by a few million, most of the surplus which could be scrapped because of the fycking EC. Does anyone want to buy surplus Kerry votes?
  11. Speedball

    Speedball Member

    Feb 27, 1999
    Harrison Stadium
    I'll put my money on the long shot, New Jersey, at the current 25-1 odds. A recent poll of "likely voters" has Kerry and Dubya dead even (46%, 46%, 2% Nader).
  12. maturin

    maturin Member

    Jun 8, 2004
    Because of yesterday's Kerry rally which drew 90,000 people in Madison, the city clerk's office stayed open three hours later than normal. Massive crowds went to vote early after Kerry's speech, and hundreds were still lined up when the office was scheduled to close at 5:00. The office stayed open long enough to allow all to vote. In my opinion, this is a great showing of democracy, allowing as many people to vote as possible. The GOP is saying it's blatant partisanship, considering that 99.9% of the people there were Kerry supporters. This could turn into a big issue in WI if the GOP formally challenges those ballots.
  13. superdave

    superdave Member+

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Maybe it's different in Wisconsin, but here, if you're in line at closing time, you can still vote.
  14. maturin

    maturin Member

    Jun 8, 2004
    on election day, yes, but at least in WI, that's not how it works for early/absentee voting.
  15. Pauncho

    Pauncho Member+

    Mar 2, 1999
    Bexley, Ohio
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    It will be Ohio, and we will have Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell to thank for that.

    He wants to be Governor. Real Bad. Taft is term-limited up in two years. And Blackwell just is not going to be the establishment Republican candidate. That honor will go to either Betty Montgomery or Jim Petro (I'd bet on Petro). So he has decided to do a Margaret Thatcher: since he's a wrong demographic in the conservative party, he's going to outflank-to-the-right the country club conservative candidate. This is more effective than you non-Buckeyes would think, since the completely-Republican State Legislature had to raise taxes to keep from shutting every library in the state, and the Caveman Caucus rural Republicans will never, ever forgive that. Those folks definitely don't miss a Republican Primary, where they have far more power than you would think their numbers would support.

    Nevertheless, the economy on the ground for ordinary people is so bad here that, in the end, I still think Kerry will carry Ohio.
  16. Dave Brull

    Dave Brull Member

    Mar 9, 2001
    Mayfield Hts, Ohio
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Bumped for new relevance

    ..and the Florida is Ohio, in a far less (at present) scandalous manner.
  17. Dave Brull

    Dave Brull Member

    Mar 9, 2001
    Mayfield Hts, Ohio
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    And how soon it becomes irrelevant

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