Playoff numbers

Discussion in 'D.C. United' started by kravi, Oct 26, 2004.

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  1. kravi

    kravi Member

    May 3, 2004
    Section 134
    So I was horrified by the playoff numbers that Soccer American published.
    3. BY THE NUMBERS: MLS playoff crowds

    46.1 percent
    With crowds of 8,028 (Colorado-Los Angeles), 5,679 (New England-Columbus),
    11,161 (MetroStars-D.C. United) and 8,659 (San Jose-Kansas City), the first
    legs of the MLS quarterfinals averaged 8,382, down 46.1 percent from the MLS
    regular season average attendance of 15,559.

    Wow!!!! Can anyone explain this? Down 46.1% is really rather frightening. Obviously we're going to boost these stats on Saturday, but still, they need a lot of boosting!

  2. kravi

    kravi Member

    May 3, 2004
    Section 134
    Hmmmm. Thanks. That only makes it worse, I think... :( Now I realize that the numbers aren't a fluke (though they are lower than that thread predicted).

  3. gnat

    gnat New Member

    Oct 1, 2003
    Actually the only one that is a big surprise to me is NE as I thought they had a bit better following (and actually SJ as that is close to normal for them), the rest aren't big crowd pullers at home anyway. Then you put on top of it that it was the lower seeded home game (so I think the non-hardcore fans aren't expecting much so didn't bother to show up).

    I would expect to see closer to average (if not better in LA and DC) this weekend.

  4. Knave

    Knave Member+

    May 25, 1999
    ... mod's note ...

    I think BudWiser has the right idea here. This really isn't a DC United specific topic. And in so far as it it, we should probably pick it up in the post match thread. There's already a good discussion going on in the thread BudWiser linked to, so I'll refer everyone there and close this thread.

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