Hey, I'm coming to visit the BK this weekend and of course, i still need to get my weekly dose to maintain my sanity. the friends i'm staying with live in park slope. anything going on around there?
There's pick up almost every day in the middle of the park. Weekends are better. The ground's lumpy and beat up so use your old ones.
Using this thread for Manhattan game listings: In Battery Park City (north end of waterfront, across from Chambers) there is a pickup game every weekday. Don't know about weekends. And in Central Park, near the Sheep Meadow or whatever it's called, there is a dirt patch that also has a pickup game. Any others out there? How about Hoboken?
there is a pick up game at Giants Stadium next wednesdays. The boys from Dallas are coming and a local team is missing alot of players
Cool, i can come up for that. I'll split gas/toll money with Dema... that midfiled partnership w/ Ronnie O'Brien would be DEADLY!